Entrepreneur Financial Centre 3

With a loan of EUR 134,800 EFC will be able to provide working capital loans to 10 entrepreneurs, mainly traders in construction materials.

funding gap emerging markets
EFC Uganda

A projekt

Fred Ssembogga

Fred has 2 outlets with an inventory that is approximately Ugx 150,000,000. He currently has 4 employees who help in the operation of the business.

The entrepreneur seeks to borrow Ugx 35 million for purposes of permanent working capital for his two shops

Dorothy Kampiire Kaberuka

Dorothy has been in trading business for the last 15 years specializing in general hardware items like tiles, plumbing materials, toilets, pipes nakasero.  

Dorothy wants to borrow Ugx 86 million to help her solidify the second outlet with more permanent working capital and take advantage of the accelerated growth seen in Kinawataka.

Lubanga Kiryowa  

The entrepreneur has been operating a small bakery for the last eight (8) years making confectionaries for school children, items for supermarket and other general trade shops.  

Lubanga has 7 employees; 5 under the bakery and 2 in the agriculture business. Lubanga has applied for Ugx 86 million to support both with working capital and also replace some ovens and allow him meet the excess demand noticed within his clientele.

Medi Kayongo

He has been operating a hard ware shop in Bwaise for the last 10 years. This is supported by his construction profession where he is fully active. 

Medi is looking at growing his business to the next level and seek to acquire Ugx 40 million for purposes of increasing the business’ permanent working capital.

Andrew Kalanzi

Andrew has got business experience of over 15 years in operating a hardware shop. 

The entrepreneur is seeking funding of Ugx 40 million to inject more working capital and allow him take advantage of the excess construction demand raised in the area.

Andrew Musisi Kasule

The entrepreneur operates a business in Nabingo that deals in poultry and feeds.  

Whereas Andrew has setup more chicken houses by himself, he needs more funding for permanent working capital in his poultry business and feeds. 

Dan Mukiibi Kato

The entrepreneur operates a hardware outlet and major deals in paints, cement and iron bars. 

The business currently has about Ugx 150m in stock and has an annual turnover of Ugx1.25 Billion. Dan employs 6 people in his day to day operations

Geoffrey Bagonza

Geoffrey imports and trades in leather from China and Turkey. He has been operating this business for the last 7 years here in Kibuli a suburb within Kampala. 

The entrepreneur has applied for Ugx 60 million to increase on the working capital which has reduced due to a drain made while constructing his own business premises.

Noordin Masaba

Noordin Masaba is 42 years old and established two (2) garages. One is located in Wakiso which is also his home area and the other in Gombe. 

The entrepreneur wants Ugx 86 million to finance permanent working capital for his two garages which he is improving to gain a state of art that will have more services offered to the market and more so his existing clients.

Silian Muhoozi

He started out with a grocery shop in 2002 and later on moved into a super market in 2005 in Masajja. 

The entrepreneur has approached EFC to provide working capital of Ugx 40million to meet payment of taxes for the forth coming consignment.

EFC Uganda

Silian Muhoozi
Nagykereskedelem / kiskereskedelem
Teljesen finanszírozott 5 napok alatt a 22 Május 2019 oldalon.
Befektetés a mikrofinanszírozásba
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Létrehozott munkahelyek
Javított életek

A Vállalkozói Pénzügyi Központ (EFC) a vállalkozók és mezőgazdasági szövetkezetek széles körét támogatja Uganda különböző ágazataiban. Hitelük lehetővé teszi a munkahelyteremtést, a működőtőkét és a munkaeszközöket a hátrányos helyzetű kkv-k számára, jobb élet- és munkakörülményeket biztosítva a helyi közösségekben. Ugandában nagy az igény a hatástőke iránt, amely lehetővé teszi a szervezeti fejlődést és a gazdasági növekedést, segítve az országot abban, hogy teljes gazdasági potenciálját elérje.

FFC-k befolyásolt

Ezzel a projekttel hozzájárulsz a következő fenntartható fejlődési célokhoz:

FFC 1 - Nincs szegénység

FFC 8 - Tisztességes munka és gazdasági növekedés

FFC 10 - Az egyenlőtlenségek csökkentése

Olvasson többet arról, hogy milyen hatást érhet el a platformunkon és a FFC-ka hatás oldalunkon.