Naranjargal Nyambuu
With a loan of EUR 2,600 Naranjargal is able to repair her automobile to provide a better delivery service.
Naranjargal runs a business in clothing sales from home providing delivery service for the past two years in Ulaanbaatar city. Her main advertisement channel is facebook page receiving orders online and she charges 2,000MNT (1$) per item delivery. She imports clothes from northern neighbor country China. As business grows, she started to supply bigger markets, shops and already has regular customers including contracted customers. Moreover, she has recently opened a small boutique for womens clothing expanding her sales to Zavkhan province and hired an additional employee to support her.
With a loan of 5.5 million tugrik, Naranjargal will be able to repair her automobile in order to provide a better and prompt service for her customers.
Vision Fund Mongolia
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