Phillip Bank 3 (KREDIT Cambodia)

With a loan of EUR 63,500 Phillip Bank will be able to provide 6 farmers in Cambodia with capital, so they can purchase tractors, animals and land.

funding gap emerging markets



Given the current situation regarding COVID-19, there is increased uncertainty. Although Phillip Bank is in good shape and agreements have only recently been made with regard to interest and maturities, it is wise to be careful with your investments.

Phillip Bank Plc is a member of PhillipCapital, an integrated Asian financial house based in Singapore, but operational in 15 countries, including offices in Australia, Cambodia, China (and Hong Kong SAR), France, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Turkey, UK, UAE, USA and Vietnam. 

Phillip Bank Plc commenced business in Cambodia in 2009. In 2019, they merged with Lendahand's partner Kredit (an MFI focused providing financial services and training to low-income earners). 

Information document issuing entity (NL)

Information note issuing entitiy (BE)

With this investment Phillip Bank can provide loans to 6 farmers in Cambodia:

Khom is a farmer at Takeo Province of Cambodia. She and her husband have been working as farmers, growing cashew nuts and cassava since 1996 to make income for her family. She would like a loan to expand her farm. Khom is asking for a loan of US$15,000 to purchase a tractor, a purchase that she sees as a good opportunity to increase her family income.

Sieklim, is a married mother and lives with her husband and three children in Kampong Cham province. She and her husband have been working as farmers, growing cashew nuts and cassava since 1996 to make an income for her family. She would like a loan to expand her farm. Sieklim is asking for a loan of US$10,000 to purchase farmland, a purchase that she sees as a good opportunity to increase her family income.

Chanthan has been working as a farmer, growing cashew nuts and cassava for 20 years to make an income for her family. She would like a loan to expand her farm. Chanthan is asking for a loan of US$10,000 to purchase farmland, a purchase that she sees as a good opportunity to increase her family income.

Eng Sydun is a famer at Kampong Cham Province of Cambodia. She has asked a fund to buy more animals, chickens, ducks and cows to raise her income. 

Thiv Sokha is working as a farmer of animals at Kampong Cham Province of Cambodia. Sokha has been working hard to get a successful life. Sokha wishes to increase her profits and get greater profits, so she asked for a fund to buy more animals.

Se Nan is working as a farmer of animals at Kampong Cham Province of Cambodia. Sokha wishes to increase her income, so she has asked for a fund to buy more animals.

Phillip Bank

Sydun Eng
Phnom Penh
Plně financováno za 7 dní na adrese 18 duben 2020.
Investujte do mikrofinancování
Úvěrové skóre


Vytvořená pracovní místa
Zlepšení životů

Phillip Bank je mikrofinanční instituce v Kambodži, která investuje do lidí a jejich podnikání prostřednictvím mikropůjček. Poskytováním provozního kapitálu místním podnikatelům umožňuje lidem v Kambodži dále rozšiřovat své podnikání a dosáhnout jejich potenciálu pro růst podnikání a vytváření pracovních míst.

Mikropůjčky jsou účinným nástrojem boje proti chudobě. Výzkum ukázal, že komunity s větším počtem životaschopných malých místních podniků mají vyváženější ekonomiku a vyšší průměrnou úroveň prosperity. Jejich obrat plyne především zpět do jejich komunit, což zajišťuje hospodářský růst a stabilitu. Kapitál poskytovaný Phillip Bank působí na trvalé zlepšování finančního blahobytu rodin ve venkovských a městských komunitách.

CUR's dopadem

Tímto projektem přispíváte k následujícím cílům udržitelného rozvoje:

CUR 1. Žádná chudoba

CUR 8. Důstojná práce a hospodářský růst

Více informací o dopadu, který můžete mít prostřednictvím naší platformy a webu CUR, najdete na naší stránce o dopadu.