Agora Microfinance

funding gap emerging markets

Agora Zambia was founded in 2010 and is part of the international Agora network. It is AMZs goal to supply affordable financing for households and entrepreneurs in Zambia. AMZ has a license as a Non-Deposit Taking Microfinance Institution from the Central bank of Zambia since April 2011.

Susan is a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants and the Zambia Institute of Chartered Accountants. She similarly holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Zambia. Susan has over 9 years of post-qualifying experience in Zambia with 6 years at management level in microfinance. Prior to her appointment as CEO, Susan was heading the finance department as Chief Financial Officer, a position she had held since April 2016. Susan has experience in Business Analysis, Strategic Planning, Leadership and people management. 

Almennar upplýsingar

LántakiAgora Microfinance Zambia
Stofnað 1 January 2011
Virkur á Lendahand síðan 1 October 2015

Fjárhagsupplýsingar per 2019-09-30

Yfirlit Eignasafns€4,348,944.30
Aðskriftarhlutfall síðustu 12 mánuði0.21%
% fjárfestingarupphæð í vanskilum (>90 dagar)0.48%

Um Sambía

The Zambian economy used to be largely dependent on copper mining. The copper reserves are however depleting. Three quarters of the population is active in agriculture, which is good for 31% of the GDP. The main crops are corn, sugar, tobacco and sunflower seeds. In 1991 Zambia became a republic.

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