funding gap emerging markets

SolarWorks! 17

  • SolarWorks!
  • Fjárfestu í fyrirtæki
  • + 42 aðrir fjárfestar
  • With a loan of EUR 16,750 SolarWorks! will be able to provide 80 Solar Home Systems to companies and families in Mozambique.

    24 mánuðir
    6 mánuðir
    Gjaldagi24 mánuðir
    Endurgreiðslur6 mánuðir
      Fullfjármagnað á 5 mínútumá 28 October 2020.



      In the coming period there are different conditions for this partner. 

      • The interest rate has been temporarily increased by 0,5 percentage point to accommodate the growing uncertainty associated with COVID-19.
      • In addition, this investee is allowed - provided they continue to comply with the applicable covenants - to refinance future repayments to Lendahand investors with the funds raised from this project.
      • Repayments occur after 12, 18 and 24 months, not after 6 months.

      SolarWorks! was founded in 2008 by industrial designer Bernard Hulshof and econometric Arnoud de Vroomen. The SolarWorks! development centre is based at the incubator of the University of Technology in Delft (The Netherlands). Here products design and R&D is conducted. The distribution of the Solar Home Systems is done in Mozambique, where over 80% of the 29 million inhabitants do not have access to electricity. Mozambique is an untapped market with fast growing mobile money penetration which is an important driver behind the fast growing sales of Pay As You Go sales.

      Arnoud de Vroomen is CEO of the company. He worked several years at Unilever and has been the director of Lemnis Solar. SolarWorks! also has a sales office in Johannesburg.

      With a loan SolarWorks will be able to provide Solar Home Systems to companies and families in Mozambique.

      Information document of the issuing company (NL)

      Information note of the issuing company (BE)

      For the term "CEO," the appropriate translation in Icelandic is "forstjóri."Arnoud de Vroomen
      GeiriSjálfbær orkuframkvæmdir


      SolarWorks! offers affordable solar home systems to families and companies in off-grid areas in Mozambique, where over 80% of the 29 million inhabitants don’t have access to energy. The arrival of electricity in a neighborhood has multiple positive impacts on the local economy and community. Lighting extends opening hours of shops, which results in increased wages. It improves security at night and allows children to study after dusk to obtain better results at school. 

      Electricity also provides people access to information through radios and to communication thanks to their charged mobile phones. A solar home system avoids the use of toxic fuels like kerosene and wood, which are harmful to health and cause respiratory problems due to their fumes. Within the company, 95% of their employees are locals, and they aim for a 50/50 gender mix.


      SDG’s impacted

      With this project you are contributing to the following Sustainable Development Goals:

      SDG 1. No Poverty

      SDG 7. Affordable and clean energy

      SDG 13. Climate change

      Read more about the impact you can make through our platform and the SDGs on our impact page.

      • Með þessari fjárfestingu eru 5 störf sköpuð
      • Með þessari fjárfestingu batnar líf 400 einstaklinga
      • Með þessari fjárfestingu eru sett upp 80 sólarorkukerfi fyrir heimili
      • Með þessari fjárfestingu er dregið úr CO2 um 88 tonn

      Því miður! Þú verður að vera innskráður til að skoða þessa síðu.

      Því miður! Þú verður að vera innskráður til að skoða þessa síðu.

      Því miður! Þú verður að vera innskráður til að skoða þessa síðu.

      Því miður! Þú verður að vera innskráður til að skoða þessa síðu.

      Því miður! Þú verður að vera innskráður til að skoða þessa síðu.

      Við höfum þegar lagt okkar af mörkum til SolarWorks! 17

      M. Fleuren
      Frits van der Kooij
      Peter Boot
      Anneloes Gerritsen
      Edwin Tofield
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