Mikro Kapital 12

With a loan of EUR 125,000 Mikro Kapital will provide working capital to another 10 entrepreneurs from the Republic of Moldova. The proceeds will go to medium and small businesses from sectors like agriculture and transport services.

funding gap emerging markets



OCN “Mikro Kapital Company” SRL, further Mikro Kapital Moldova is a non-bank credit organization that provides loans to micro and small enterprises and private individuals in the Republic of Moldova. Mikro Kapital in Moldova is part of Mikro Kapital Group (registered in Luxembourg). Mikro Kapital Moldova is 100% owned by Alternative Fund, a Luxembourg-based Securitization Fund, managed by Mikro Kapital Management. In December 2021 year, Mikro Kapital Group had more than one billion EUR assets under management with operations in 14 countries.

The company was registered on 4th April 2013 and was developed from scrap. The head office is in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. The branches are located in Chisinau city and towns Balti, Soroca, Edinet, Drochia, Comrat, Cahul, Causeni, and Ungheni. Via its 11 branches, the organization covers the major territory of Moldova.

In July 2022, Mikro Kapital Moldova had 79 employees, the Total Assets surpassed 33 mln EUR, and the Gross Loan Portfolio reached more than 29 mln EUR. In the last two years, the Total Equity of the company has grown by about 2.5 mln EUR and achieved 6.9 mln EUR. At the same time, the portfolio quality has been maintained quite well – the PAR>90 - 0.8%. Since the beginning of its activity, the company provided more than 8,500 loans in the amount of 80 mln EUR.

At end of June 2022, Mikro Kapital Moldova is in 4th place (up by two positions since the year 2020) by volume of Gross Loan Portfolio (leasing not included) among the 136 active non-bank credit organizations


Loan purpose

With a loan of EUR 125,000 Mikro Kapital Moldova will provide financing to about 10 entrepreneurs from the Republic of Moldova. The proceeds will go to micro and small businesses from sectors like agriculture, trade and transport services. 

Mikro Kapital Moldova targets micro and small, entrepreneurs, either juridical or physical persons, and individuals for providing access to credits. It offers a range of solutions to its clients taking into account the individuality of every business. The financing is provided in the form of:

  • Loans for business (for micro and small business clients)
  • Loans for agribusiness (for farms and agro companies)
  • Loans “Home” (to improve living conditions by purchasing apartments/houses)
  • Rapid loans (fast track loans) (small working capital needs, acq. of small value fixed assets, other purposes)
  • Consumer Loans.

The loans provided can be in the range from 250 EUR up to 250,000 EUR. However, the average loan size is much smaller in reality - below 10,000 EUR. The maturity can be from 3 months up to 7-10 years (this is very rare and may be in case of HOME loans). The actual average maturity of loans is below 2 years. Normally the repayments are in the form of annuities. Agricultural loans may benefit of some grace period of up to 9 months. In terms of collateral and other securities, about 63% of portfolio is secured by hard collateral and in addition all loans have guarantors (suretyship). “Home” loans are guaranteed with mortgage (purchased apartment/house). The purchased assets (tractors, agricultural machines, equipment etc) are also pledged.



The Mikro Kapital Moldova’s mission is:

  • We support local businesses by offering our products and services in every locality of the country.
  • We encourage and financially support micro, small and medium-sized entrepreneurs to improve their living conditions, create new jobs and develop according to the proposed goals.
  • We are in step with development in the regions we operate. We promote efficiency and innovation.
  • We are a reliable partner that continuously invests in its employees, that contributes to their development, that always treats its customers and partners with respect.



To be a leader in the Financial field by ensuring a favourable ecosystem for the company's employees, customers and partners. The main objective is to respect mutual benefit, based on trust, responsibility and the growth of a strong team, which will bring added value for all.


Highlights or Awards

The company was awarded in 2018 year the Notorium Silver Award, for the best-known company in the sector. The public voted on line. 


About Republic of Moldova

The Republic of Moldova is a small lower-middle-income economy. It is bordered by Romania to the west and Ukraine to the north, east, and south. The capital city is Chisinau. The country’s population counts for about 3.5 mln people. Its area is about 33.8 thousand sq.km.

Although it is among the poorest countries in Europe, it has made significant progress in reducing poverty and promoting inclusive growth since the early 2000s. The economy has expanded by an average of 4.6 percent annually in the past 20 years, driven by consumption and fueled by remittances. However, the performance has been repeatedly hindered by the unfavorable global situation or by poor climatic conditions. The country’s GDP is about 12 billion USD and the GDP per capita is 3.4 thousand USD. The annual inflation rate remains within the National Bank’s policy range of 5.0 percent ± 1.5.

With a moderate climate and productive farmland, the agriculture sector has an important role in Moldova’s economy, which overall productivity is very low: 10.1% of the GDP and employs nearly 32% of the workforce (World Bank, 2019). Of the agriculture work force, around 25% are directly employed by agri-enterprises, while the other three-quarters are classified as self-employed (FAO). The secondary sector (manufacturing, food processing, textile, footwear etc) represents 22.7% of the GDP, employing 16.6% of the active population. The GDP structure is progressively turning towards services, to the detriment of heavy industry and agriculture. The tertiary sector now represents nearly 55.4% of the GDP, employing half of the workforce (51.4%). It is driven by the insurance, legal consultancy and telecommunications sectors. The ICT sector is also growing.

In 2019, the official unemployment rate in Moldova was about 3% - quite low, but the emigration is a mass phenomenon in Moldova and has a major impact on the country's demographics and economy. It was estimated that 600,000 to one million Moldovan citizens (almost 25% of the population) are working abroad.

Mikro Kapital

For the term "CEO," the appropriate translation in Icelandic is "forstjóri."
Sergiu Turcanu
Fullfjármagnað á 28 dögumá 5 December 2022.
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Bætt líf

Mikro Kapital provides transparent access to finance for Moldovan SMEs in various sectors, from agriculture and trade to transport services. Their financial services empower both individuals and entrepreneurs to grow out of stagnated and regressed economic development. Financial support enables Moldovan entrepreneurs to increase their professional activity, resulting in job creation, a decrease in emigration, and improved living conditions.

SDGs impacted

With this project you are contributing to the following Sustainable Development Goals:

SDG 1 - No poverty

SDG 8 - Decent work and economic growth

Read more about the impact you can make through our platform and the SDGs on our impact page.


Related blog posts

  • Read the introduction of Mikro Kapital as a new investment opportunity here.
  • Discover which 5 challenges Moldova is facing by clicking here.
  • We had the opportunity to visit Mikro Kapital and meet some of their clients. Read their story here.