funding gap emerging markets

Cafe Peru 6

  • Cafe Peru
  • Investuoti į verslą
  • + 458 kiti investuotojai
  • This loan of EUR 160,000 for partner Café Peru will be used to purchase two containers of coffee from cooperations of small producers in Peru, allowing more than 1,500 producers to access opportunities with competitive prices, improving their economic income for the benefit of their families. *EUR/USD exchange rate risk*

    6 mėnesių
    6 mėnesių
    Brandumas6 mėnesių
    Grąžinimai6 mėnesių
      Visiškai finansuojama per 9 dienų svetainėje 6 Liepa 2023.



      Corporacion de Productores Cafe Peru SAC is a private company made up of 9 shareholders: 5 coffee agricultural cooperatives and 3 financial organizations with a solidarity approach, created on April 17, 2001 with the purpose of providing agro-industrial, commercial and financial services to cooperatives and producer organizations.

      In 2008, International Solidarity for Development and Investment "SIDI" became shareholder as a strategic partner. With the incorporation of the new shareholder, the capital social amounts to S/. 7,699,722.00 fully subscribed and fully paid in full.

      In 2021, Café Perú has 9 shareholders, with the incorporation of the Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Los Andes, the share capital amounts to S/ 9,000,000.


      Use of Proceeds / Loan purpose

      The loan will be used to purchase coffee from organizations of small producers from central jungle of Peru, which will allow more than 1,500 producers to access commercial opportunities with differentiated and competitive prices, with which they improve their economic income for the benefit of their families, improve the productivity of their production units by an average of 30 quintals/ha. With the loan Cafe Peru SAC will buy raw material to serve 6 containers of coffee. During the year Café Peru can rotate at least 2 to 3 times during the campaign cycle, so 18 containers of coffee could be marketed. This financial line allows expanding the scope of intervention for the purchase of coffee in other regions of Peru with higher production volumes such as San Martín and Huanuco, for which the opening of collection centers is essential, in which gives employment opportunities to young people from those places.

      Café Perú SAC has planned to sell 90 containers of green coffee to clients from various markets around the world, mainly roasters and importers from Germany, the United States, Belgium, among others. Sales prices are set and controlled by reference to the New York Stock Exchange plus its price differentials, depending on the type of certification. The coffee market moves based on the certifications: Organic, Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance, Cafe Practices. Each one with its own standards that regulate spreads.



      “We are a company that provides efficient and quality services in processing and storage, organizing the coffee supply chain through agreements and alliances with small producer organizations. Likewise, we develop sales opportunities in national and international markets, with direct or outsourced attention to the organizations of small producers of the Central Selva.”



      “To be a profitable company, processor and exporter of Coffee and derivatives from organizations of small producers of the Central Selva with a focus on sustainable development and protection of the environment.”

      Įmonės pavadinimasCafe Peru
      SektoriusŽemės ūkis
      Kredito balasC


      "Café Perú" gerina kavos augintojų darbo ir gyvenimo sąlygas Peru. Jie padeda kaimo smulkiesiems kavos augintojams gerinti infrastruktūrą, produkcijos kokybę ir palengvinti jų patekimą į nacionalines ir tarptautines rinkas.

      Kavinė "Café Perú" palaiko apyvartinio kapitalo finansavimo linijas vietos bankuose ir konsultuoja ūkininkų kooperatyvus apyvartinio kapitalo valdymo ir finansavimo klausimais. Vykdydami savo veiklą jie didina smulkių kavos ūkininkų šeimų pajamas ir kuria darbo vietas kaimo vietovėse.

      TAP paveikė

      Šiuo projektu prisidedate prie šių darnaus vystymosi tikslų įgyvendinimo:

      TAP 1 - jokio skurdo

      TAP 8 - deramas darbas ir ekonomikos augimas

      Daugiau apie poveikį, kurį galite padaryti naudodamiesi mūsų platforma ir TAP, skaitykite mūsų poveikio puslapyje.

      Susiję tinklaraščio įrašai

      Spustelėkite, jei norite perskaityti kavinės "Café Perú" pristatymą Lendahand crowdfunding platformoje.

      • Ši investicija 10 sukuriamos darbo vietos.
      • Šios investicijos 1500 pagerina gyvenimą.

      Atsiprašome! Norėdami peržiūrėti šį puslapį, turite būti prisijungę.

      Atsiprašome! Norėdami peržiūrėti šį puslapį, turite būti prisijungę.

      Atsiprašome! Norėdami peržiūrėti šį puslapį, turite būti prisijungę.

      Atsiprašome! Norėdami peržiūrėti šį puslapį, turite būti prisijungę.

      Atsiprašome! Norėdami peržiūrėti šį puslapį, turite būti prisijungę.

      Jau prisidėjome prie Cafe Peru 6

      Liesbeth Dorama
      Lars Groenewegen
      Ton Van der Meer
      Lieven Keppens
      Manfred Jansen
      + ir dar vienas