Phillip Bank 17 (KREDIT Cambodia)
With a loan of EUR 41,000 Phillip Bank (before Kredit Cambodia) will be able to provide working capital to 6 entrepreneurs, so they can further expand their companies.
Given the current situation regarding COVID-19, there is increased uncertainty. Although Phillip Bank is in good shape and agreements have only recently been made with regard to interest and maturities, it is wise to be careful with your investments.
Phillip Bank Plc is a member of PhillipCapital, an integrated Asian financial house based in Singapore, but operational in 15 countries, including offices in Australia, Cambodia, China (and Hong Kong SAR), France, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Turkey, UK, UAE, USA and Vietnam.
Phillip Bank Plc commenced business in Cambodia in 2009. In 2019, they merged with Lendahand's partner Kredit (an MFI focused providing financial services and training to low-income earners).
Information document issuing entity (NL)
Information note issuing entitiy (BE)
With this investment Phillip Bank will be able to finance the following 6 entrepreneurs:
- Chhery Sokkea (28) is a cassava farmer. She is requesting a new loan to purchase farm items and she wishes to boost her working capital.
- Tep Chet (40) is a bamboo seller in his community and he’d like to take a loan to purchase more bamboo to resale.
- Heng Pheara (28) has a vehicle repair shop, he is taking a loan to buy the vehicle repair supplies to stock in his store.
- Chhon Navy (30) has a phone shop and he’d like a loan to invest in a Tuk Tuk service in his community.
- Sok Kimheang (48) is a traditional spagitti khmer seller in the market and she’d like to take a loan for her son to buy a new car for his Taxi provider service.
- Sman Noutsoupfiyany (28, see picture) is a shoes seller in the market at Phnom Penh Cambodia. She is wishing to boost her working capital and by more stock.
Phillip Bank
Phillip Bank ir mikrofinansēšanas iestāde Kambodžā, kas investē cilvēkos un viņu uzņēmumos, izmantojot mikrokredītus. Nodrošinot apgrozāmo kapitālu vietējiem uzņēmējiem, tā dod iespēju Kambodžas iedzīvotājiem vēl vairāk paplašināt savu uzņēmējdarbību un izmantot savu potenciālu uzņēmējdarbības izaugsmei un darbavietu radīšanai.
Mikrokredīti ir efektīvs līdzeklis cīņā pret nabadzību. Pētījumi liecina, ka kopienās, kurās ir vairāk dzīvotspējīgu mazo vietējo uzņēmumu, ir līdzsvarotāka ekonomika un augstāks vidējais labklājības līmenis. To apgrozījums galvenokārt atgriežas kopienās, nodrošinot ekonomisko izaugsmi un stabilitāti. Phillip Bank nodrošinātais kapitāls palīdz ilgtspējīgi uzlabot ģimeņu finansiālo labklājību lauku un pilsētu kopienās.
Ar šo projektu jūs sniedzat ieguldījumu šādu ilgtspējīgas attīstības mērķu sasniegšanā:
TAP 1. Nav nabadzības
TAP 8. Pienācīgs darbs un ekonomiskā izaugsme
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