
funding gap emerging markets

WEnergy Global Pte. Ltd., a company based in Singapore, is active in project development, designing, building, (partial) owning and operating renewable energy power infrastructure with clear and focused actions on the ground in South East Asian countries with 120 million people having no access to electricity.

Informazzjoni ġenerali

Min jissellefWEnergy Global Pte Ltd.
Uffiċċju prinċipaliSingapore
Imwaqqfa29 February 2012
Attiv fuq Lendahand minn 1 August 2016

Informazzjoni finanzjarja sal-2019-12-31

Total assets€1,754,216.56
Proporzjon ta' Leverage76.00%

Dwar Filippini

A total of 90 million people live in the Philippines. The majority of the population is Roman Catholic. The country has an area of 300,000 square kilometers. Manila is the capital of the country, however Quezon is the largest city in the Philippines. The most important pillars of the economy are services and industrial activities. Philippines' economy has had stable growth since 2012, with an average of more than 5% per year. Due to the high domestic consumption, low dependence on exports and a large income from remittances from the millions of Filipino workers overseas, the Philippine economy is stable. The strategic location of the Philippines in the ASEAN region, makes it a gateway to a market of 500 million people.

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