funding gap emerging markets

Luon Tey

  • Phillip Bank
  • Investi fil-mikrofinanza
  • + 2 investituri oħra
  • With a loan of EUR 2,550 Tey is able to purchase more pigs for her farm and thus increase her family income.

    30 xhur
    6 xhur
    Ħlasijiet lura
    <Maturità></Maturità>30 xhur
    Ħlasijiet lura6 xhur
      Ifinanzjat kompletament fi 11 siegħa/siegħatfuq 30 September 2017.


      Luon Tey, 37, is married and lives in the Kampong Cham province with her two children. She and her husband work together in the farm, they raise pigs and cultivating rice, which they have been doing for the past 10 years.

      Now she would like to expand her business for additional income. With this loan Tey can purchase more pigs for her farm. She sees this loan as a good economic decision and believes she can both increase her income and raise her standard of living with the purchases.

      Local partner Kredit provides the loan, which has to be repaid in 30 months. 

      Isem il-kumpanijaPhillip Bank
      Kap EżekuttivTey Luon
      LokazzjoniKampong Cham Province


      Phillip Bank is a microfinance institution in Cambodia that invests in people and their businesses via Micro-loans. By providing working capital to local entrepreneurs, they enable people in Cambodia to further expand their businesses and reach their potential for business growth and job creation.

      Micro-loans are an effective tool against poverty. Research has shown that communities with more viable small local businesses have more balanced economies and higher average prosperity levels. Their turnover mainly flows back to their communities, ensuring economic growth and stability. The capital provided by Phillip Bank works towards sustainably improving families' financial well-being in rural and urban communities.


      SDG’s impacted

      With this project you are contributing to the following Sustainable Development Goals:

      SDG 1. No poverty

      SDG 8. Decent work and economic growth

      Read more about the impact you can make through our platform and the SDGs on our impact page.

      • B'din l-investiment jinħoloq impjieg wieħed
      • B'din l-investiment, il-ħajjiet ta' 4 persuni jitjiebu

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      Jiddispjaċini! Trid tkun illoggjat biex tara din il-paġna.

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      Jiddispjaċini! Trid tkun illoggjat biex tara din il-paġna.