funding gap emerging markets

African Energy 2

  • African Energy
  • Investi f'negozju
  • + 822 investituri oħra
  • Supporting African Energy means contributing to food security and cutting down on food waste in a sustainable way. You will allow the company to buy WeCo lithium batteries, which store energy so Kenyan businesses maintain consistent cooling and store fresh foods for local distribution. *EUR/USD exchange rate risk*

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      Ifinanzjat kompletament fi 36 ġurnatafuq 19 October 2023.


      African Energy stands as a leading wholesale distributor of solar and backup power equipment across Africa. Offering solar electric components, they also provide comprehensive training for proper installation and robust business support, including financial guidance and coaching, empowering entrepreneurs to thrive in the solar industry. With equipment readily available in depots across 10 African countries, they guarantee that local installers can quickly obtain quality products and accelerate their projects.

      What social return could your investment make?

      Purchasing a container of WeCo lithium batteries in Kenya for the food storage and preservation sector boosts food security by reducing spoilage and ensuring consistent access to fresh foods. This not only supports economic growth through reduced losses for producers but also promotes health by minimising the risks of foodborne illnesses. Additionally, the enhanced storage capabilities could encourage more entrepreneurs to venture into food production while also benefiting the environment by cutting down on food waste.


      What financial return could your investment generate? 

      • Annual interest rate of 5%
      • The maturity of the loan is 9 months
      • There will be a repayment of your investment in equal instalments every 3 months, including the interest
      • With an investment of 10,000 euros, your expected repayment would be 10,250 euros
      • Please consider that you are investing in USD, so there is a risk of exchange rate fluctuations between dollars and euros. For more information on potential exchange rate risks, please visit our currency page


      The story of African Energy

      Since 2002, African Energy has provided solar components and training to entrepreneurs in 10 African countries. The aim is to equip solar installers with the right products and create a sustainable solar market that benefits customers and partners alike.

      African Energy in numbers

      • Founded in 2002
      • 10 employees
      • Equipment depots in 10 African countries
      • Turnover in 2022 is $11.981.142
      Isem il-kumpanijaAfrican Energy
      Kap EżekuttivPatrick Nduwimana
      SetturProġetti ta' enerġija sostenibbli
      Punteġġ tal-kredituB+


      African Energy provides solar electric equipment, the training to install them properly, and the business support to enable entrepreneurs to build successful solar businesses across the African continent.

      With their activities and operations, African Energy provides solar-powered water pumps to farms and agricultural smallholders that reduce pumping costs and improve yields thanks to irrigation. Health clinics and hospitals have been a primary market for their products, starting from small lighting systems up to solar water pumping systems that provide clean drinking water and reduce the number one cause of ill health in Africa. Students benefit from solar energy at school as it powers computers and even keeps the classroom cool, thanks to air conditioning. 

      In terms of economic growth, African Energy systems keep critical infrastructure operating on or off the grid across Africa every day by installing reliable backup systems. This allows for higher economic growth and more stable employment.


      SDGs impacted

      With this project, you are contributing to the following Sustainable Development Goals:

      1 - No Poverty

      2 - Zero Hunger

      3 - Good Health and Well-being

      4 - Quality Education

      6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

      7 - Affordable and Clean Energy

      8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth 

      13 - Climate Action

      Read more about the impact you can make through our platform and the SDGs on our impact page.

      Related blog posts

      You can read the introduction of African Energy on Lendahand here.

      Good energy comes with good money.

      Demand for SHS since COVID.



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      Jiddispjaċini! Trid tkun illoggjat biex tara din il-paġna.

      Jiddispjaċini! Trid tkun illoggjat biex tara din il-paġna.

      Diġà kkontribwejna għal African Energy 2

      Wilgert Velinga
      Arjanne Rietsema
      Bram Berkelmans
      André Becker
      Raf Swennen
      + u ieħor