funding gap emerging markets
Quénia 32

  • Investir numa empresa
  • + 411 outros investidores
  • With an investment of EUR 150,000 Sistema will empower 375 families in Kenya and turn their small farms into sustainable businesses with a biodigester. *only for tax residents of the Netherlands*

    12 meses
    6 meses
    Maturidade12 meses
    Reembolsos6 meses
      Totalmente financiado em 14 dias em 17 maio 2023.

      O projeto

      Summary is a Mexican social enterprise that has been operating since 2010. We manufacture, sell, distribute, install, and finance high-quality biodigesters as turnkey packages for small-scale farmers. Our mission is to create value from waste all around the world: renewable energy (biogas) and organic fertilizer.

      The problem: smallholder farmers produce almost 80% of the worldwide food. However, they are also the population that faces important barriers such as climate change, soil degradation and lack of access to financial services to improve their lives. 

      The solution: biodigesters and full wrap-around service allow farmers to benefit from what used to be a problem (manure) to transform it into renewable energy. The digester also is a waste management system and contributes to eliminating pollution spots and reducing greenhouse gases. In that way, farmers can cook without smoke, avoiding pulmonary diseases, and also increase the productivity of their farms with organic fertilizer. has a holistic approach to address poverty, food security, and climate change, we work through three axes: technology, capacity building and financing. This solution allows us to solve problems efficiently and end the circle of disadvantages that previously seemed impossible to break, to create a more sustainable, equitable and empathic world without waste. 

      The project

      Our goal is to ensure that our clients reap all the possible benefits from their digester by ensuring long-term adoption and strong return on investment.

      How do we do this? Our approach consists of 6 steps:

      With their loan, farmers can pay the system with the savings they are making in fertilizer, wood, charcoal or LP gas; allowing them to pay for the whole system and service within 9-10 months on average, maximizing their return on investment.

      With a loan of EUR 150,000 will be able to manufacture and export 375 biodigesters from our manufacturing plant in Mexico to our clients in Kenia. After the half-day installation provided by, farmers will start displacing fossil fuels, powering their farms with renewable energy and increase their crop production with organic fertilizer. 

      The loan addresses the gap between the moment the biodigester is produced and the moment it is installed and paid by small farmers. Each euro we´re going to receive from Lendahand community will cover the cost of manufacturing, shipping and installing biodigesters ordered by our clients. Once the biodigester is ready to be used, after an approximate 6-month cycle, our client pays it. Therefore, the euro lent by Lendahand to is given back to the community.



      ●       Social Business of the year, 2010 Businesses in Development (BiD Network)

      ●       Switzer Environmental Leadership Fellow

      ●       Fellow Ashoka, New Ventures Mexico

      ●       Buckminster Fuller Challenge 2017 Finalists

      ●       Endeavor entrepreneurs

      ●       B Corp

      ●       GIIRS Company

      ●       UBS Visionaries

      Nome da
      LocalizaçãoMexico City
      Volume de negócios€4,000,000


      A é uma empresa de energia renovável que cria energia renovável, que promove a mobilidade, a segurança e a proteção do clima. Met hun innovatieve biogasvergisters, waarmee mest omgezet kan worden in het duurzame biogas, zorgen zij ervoor dat boeren wereldwijd een probleem omzetten in een oplossing. Huishoudens op het platteland in opkomende markten zoals India, hebben vaak geen betrouwbare toegang tot elektriciteit en zijn afhankelijk van het gebruik van gevaarlijke brandstoffen zoals kerosine voor verlichting en brandhout om te koken. Dit is schadelijk voor hun gezondheid en het milieu. Com os registos biológicos de, os seus produtos podem ser aumentados para reduzir a emissão de gases com efeito de estufa e de CO2. O biogás gratuito e de qualidade que os produtores de biogás podem obter garante uma maior rentabilidade para toda a região.

      ODS projeto

      Com este projeto, o candidato deve ter em conta os seguintes critérios de seleção da VN Duurzame:

      ODS 1 - Não há armoede

      ODS 2 - Sem fome

      ODS 7 - Energia beta-albuminosa e dupla

      ODS 13 - Atividade climática

      Leia mais sobre o impacto que Lendahand cria e sobre ODS's na página de impacto.

      • Com este investimento 375 são instalados sistemas de digestores de biogás
      • Com este investimento são criados 10 postos de trabalho
      • Com este investimento 1800 vidas são melhoradas

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      Já contribuímos para 32

      Diana Bovens
      Jan van Munster
      Jan Mostert
      Henk Enserink
      Lars Groenewegen
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