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Sollatek Electronics Kenya 68

  • Sollatek
  • Investir numa empresa
  • + 371 outros investidores
  • Your investment in Sollatek will facilitate the installation of 70 solar water heaters across Kenyan households. This empowers local communities to reduce both energy consumption and costs, diminishing their dependence on grid power. Sollatek directly contributes to a more sustainable Kenya.

    24 meses
    6 meses
    Maturidade24 meses
    Reembolsos6 meses
      Totalmente financiado em 8 dias em 13 setembro 2023.

      O projeto

      In Kenya, 87% of the rural population remains unconnected to grid power, and 39% lives below the World Bank-defined poverty line (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, 2023). This means that for many the upfront costs of solar solutions are too expensive, despite solar energy being a reliable and cost-effective alternative.

      Sollatek steps in to bridge this gap with a dual-faceted approach. First and foremost, Sollatek provides voltage protection tools such as voltage switchers, stabilisers, and uninterruptible power supplies, they enable businesses of all sizes to combat power cuts and outages to mitigate potential losses. Besides that, Sollatek’s Solar Division is dedicated to harnessing the power of the sun for everyday Kenyans. With a broad spectrum of thoughtfully priced solar solutions - ranging from solar modules to portable lanterns - they cater to the diverse financial capacities of the local community. 


      What social return could your investment make?

      Investing in Sollatek promises a far-reaching impact. With the aid of this loan, 70 solar water heaters with a capacity of 200 to 300 litre will be installed in Kenya. These solar heating systems represent a significant advancement in sustainable energy solutions. By harnessing the sun's energy, these systems offer a dependable and eco-friendly alternative to costly electricity and gas. Adopting solar energy reduces the environmental footprint, promoting a cleaner and more sustainable future. Moreover, the systems are constructed for longevity, ensuring that households benefit from consistent energy provision over an extended period. Investing in Sollatek is not just a financial venture, it's an investment in the future of Kenyans and the fight against climate change.


      What financial return could your investment generate? 

      • Annual interest rate of 6%
      • The maturity of the loan is 24 months
      • There will be a repayment of your investment in equal instalments every six months, including the interest
      • With an investment of 1,000 euros, your expected repayment would be 1,075 euros


      The story of Sollatek

      Since 1985, Sollatek Electronics Kenya Ltd has been working from their main office in Mombasa and a sales branch in Nairobi to provide clean and reliable energy solutions to businesses and people in East Africa. With over three decades of experience, they have distributed products widely and expanded into special solar projects and power improvement systems. Since 2009, their initiatives have resulted in selling over 700,000 portable solar systems, providing 3.5 million people with renewable energy. This achievement underscores Sollatek's mission to ensure everyone has access to clean, dependable energy.

      Sollatek in numbers

      • Founded in 1983
      • 60 employees
      • Turnover of €3,500,000
      • Recognized as the USADF Power Africa Off-Grid Challenge winner, an African Innovation Awards finalist, and a grantee of the Energy and Environment Partnership (EEP)


      Nome da empresaSollatek
      DIRECTOR EXECUTIVOSaleem Abdulla
      SectorProjectos de energia sustentável
      Volume de negócios€3,500,000
      Pontuação de créditoC


      O acesso à eletricidade continua a ser difícil para quase 30 milhões de quenianos que vivem em zonas rurais. Não é raro que as pessoas tenham de caminhar cinco quilómetros para fazer algo tão simples como carregar um telemóvel. Sollatek fornece uma vasta gama de soluções de energia solar para garantir um acesso fiável à energia para empresas e casas. Como a energia solar é mais barata e mais fiável do que a energia da rede, as actividades da Sollatek mudam a vida das populações rurais. Desde 2009, as suas lanternas solares portáteis e sistemas solares domésticos levaram o acesso a energia limpa e renovável a mais de 3,5 milhões de pessoas na África Oriental.

      As casas com acesso a eletricidade limpa e acessível deixam de depender de combustíveis nocivos e prejudiciais para a saúde, como o querosene, para acender as lanternas. Permite um aumento do rendimento, uma vez que a energia para as casas e as empresas se torna gratuita com o tempo. Uma vez que as luzes fiáveis aumentam a segurança durante a noite e permitem que as crianças estudem durante mais tempo para melhorar os seus resultados na escola, melhoram significativamente os meios de subsistência rurais.

      ODSimpacto do projeto

      Com este projeto, está a contribuir para os seguintes Objectivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável:

      ODS 1. Erradicação da pobreza

      ODS 7. Energia limpa e acessível

      ODS 13. Ação climática

      Leia mais sobre o impacto que pode causar através da nossa plataforma e de ODS na nossa página de impacto.

      • Com este investimento são criados 13 postos de trabalho
      • Com este investimento 350 vidas são melhoradas

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      Já contribuímos para Sollatek Electronics Kenya 68

      Jaap Boersema
      Robert Mars
      Bas van de Haterd
      Martin Aart de Jong
      Robert Roose
      + e outro