funding gap emerging markets

BJS 14

  • Milaap
  • Investir no microfinanciamento
  • + 53 outros investidores
  • With a loan of EUR 18,600 around 43 women in North Bengal can buy more seeds and material to cultivate more crops.

    24 meses
    6 meses
    Maturidade24 meses
    Reembolsos6 meses
      Financiamento total em 1 dia em 9 janeiro 2019.

      O projeto

      The quaint countryside of North Bengal is home to several agrarian communities. Being cut off from major cities and towns, agriculture is the way of life here. Alipurduar is one such district- most of the families residing here are engaged in paddy cultivation, which gives them the highest revenue. Jute, banana, and potato cultivation are also popular.  

      The average monthly income of such families is less than $120 as a result of which the land they work on is usually on a lease. Due to their hand-to-mouth situation, the families try to cut down on labor costs by ensuring that all family members work on the field. Children, after returning from school, help out their parents with farming. With such conditions, availing loans to better their prospects has been difficult. 

      However, BJS has been supporting women and their families in this area by providing them with agricultural loans. Through this project, these agrarian communities of North Bengal will benefit socio-economically. The loan amount will not only help them purchase seeds, manure, and other necessary tools for farming but also reduce dependence on monsoon by helping them invest in other ways of irrigation. As the women of the households would be the recipients of funds, it will go a long way towards empowering them and helping them find their own financial footing. 43 women will receive funds as part of this project. Pictured here are a few women from the group.

      Local partner Milaap provides a loan to BJS  and the loan must be repaid within 24 months. 

      Nome da empresaMilaap
      LocalizaçãoWest Bengal
      SectorServiços financeiros
      Volume de negócios€519,998.41


      Milaap é a maior plataforma crowdfunding na Índia, permitindo histórias de esperança, coragem e mudança. Prestam serviços de crédito aos pobres e excluídos para os ajudar a sair da pobreza.

      Milaap A empresa tem parcerias com uma série de parceiros no terreno dignos de crédito que têm uma forte missão social. Concedem empréstimos para projectos de energia, acesso à água, cadeias de abastecimento de artesanato e muito mais, sobretudo em zonas rurais. Muitos dos seus projectos capacitam mulheres empresárias, fornecendo sobretudo capital de exploração a mulheres com uma empresa de tecelagem, pequenas lojas ou artesanato.

      ODSimpacto do projeto

      Com este projeto, está a contribuir para os Objectivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Leia mais sobre o impacto que pode causar através da nossa plataforma e do sítio ODS na nossa página de impacto.

      ODS Goals
      • Com este investimento são criados 4 postos de trabalho
      • Com este investimento 163 vidas são melhoradas

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      Já contribuímos para BJS 14

      Frank Fekken
      Han de Haas
      Jeroen Rust
      + e outro