Narangerel Tsagaach
With EUR 2,200 Narangerel is able to satisfy the high demand for underwear during the holiday season.
Narangerel owns a business that sells clothing at a stall at Khangain Bus local trade centre in Erdenet city. The previous 5 years she worked as a saleswoman for another company at the market where she learned a lot.
About a year ago she decided to start her own business selling outwears, sports clothing and underwear. She imports the clothing from China per quarter by visiting the neighboring country.
With a loan, Narangerel is able to increase the types of products and import a much larger order from China as New Years holiday is drawing closer. Lendahand will provide a loan together with local partner VFM, which will have to be repaid in 24 months.
Vision Fund Mongolia
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