Boldmaa Samdan
With EUR 4,400 Boldmaa will be able to create one more job and most importantly realize her dream.
Boldmaa runs a business in beauty industry since 2009. Firstly, she used to work for Siberian Health beauty company. Today she is an official representative of the Siberian Health International in Ulaanbaatar city. She rents a stall at the SB trade center and has three sellers who work for. Her next plan is to open her own beauty and cosmetology training centre and dedicate her deep experience to the beauty of people.
With a loan of 10 million tugrik, Boldmaa will be able to increase her working capital, create one more job, and most importantly realize her dream.
Lendahand will provide a loan to Boldmaa together with local partner VFM. The loan has to be repaid in 24 months.
Vision Fund Mongolia
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