Tonifel Enterprise
With a loan of EUR 69,800 Felicia can purchase more stock of Indomie Instant Noodles for 3 locations.
The business is owned by Mr. Anthony Banahene and the wife Mrs Felicia Banahene. They have staff strength of ten (10) who attend and assist in the management of the business.
Tonifel Enterprise is a partnership business registered on 17th December 2004. They are mandated to be general merchants and deals in import and exports of goods. The business currently deals in the sale and distribution of Indomie Instant Noodles from Multi-Pro Private Ltd and products from Promasidor Ghana Ltd. The business is located at Teshie Nungua Market. Client has 3 outlets and 3 vans that distribute goods to its customers in and around Accra.
Collateral: Legal mortgage located at Regimanuel Gray Estate Com.15 Sakumono with an FSV of GHS 392,500
ABii National
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