African Energy

With a first loan of EUR 240,000 new partner African Energy will be able to purchase a container of batteries and solar panels, which will be used by two universities in Abuja, Nigeria to replace diesel generators. **please note: this project contains an exchange rate risk EUR/USD)**

funding gap emerging markets



African Energy is a wholesale distributor of solar and back-up power equipment to Africa. They provide high quality solar electric components, training to install them properly, and business support with finance and coaching to enable entrepreneurs to build successful solar businesses. They stock most solar equipment in depots in 10 countries, to allow installers to have access to quality products locally and implement their projects quickly. 



To supply high quality equipment to the best solar installers in Africa.



To create a viable solar energy market that is financially sustainable for our customers, suppliers, and partners.  


Use of Proceeds / Loan purpose

With a first loan of EUR 240,000 new partner African Energy will be able to purchase a container of batteries and solar panels, which will be used by two universities in Abuja, Nigeria to replace diesel generators.


Some Applications

The solar equipment we supply is installed in many productive use applications across Africa and they benefit a wide range of communities. Some of the latest productive use applications are the following:

Milk cooling project for Milk collection centers and Milk distribution in Rwanda. Our customer (CLEAN ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES) recently completed installation of 45kw PV array with 85Kwh energy storage using WeCo batteries at Rwimbogo Dairy Cooperative. The installed solar system is helping farmers in the Eastern province of Rwanda to preserve more than 5000 liters of fresh milk per day at the collection center, where milk is collected from small cattle owners twice a day. It is then cooled in 3000L tanks to controlled temperatures to prevent the milk from being spoiled before it is collected by INYANGE dairy processors for further processing, packaging, and distribution to retail outlets.  

Electrification of a remote island off the coast of Tanzania: Our customer, Photons Energy, a Arusha-Based solar company, designed, supplied, and installed two solar PV minigrids on two small islands -- Kokota and Njau—that are part of many islets on Pemba Island, off the coast of Tanzania. Total energy installed is 131kw of PV and 245KWH of WeCo Lithium batteries. These Minigrids are expected to provide more than 190MW/yr of energy to the two remote islands that had never had any type of reliable power. More than 680 residents of those islands are now enjoying clean reliable power, and the economic activities are expected to boom.

African Energy

Patrick Nduwimana
Projekty udržateľnej energie
Plne financované za 12 dní na stránke 28 Február 2023.
Investujte do podniku
€240,000prevedené na
Úverové skóre


Vytvorené pracovné miesta
Inštalované solárne systémy

African Energy poskytuje solárne elektrické zariadenia, školenia na ich správnu inštaláciu a podnikateľskú podporu, aby podnikatelia mohli vybudovať úspešné solárne podniky na celom africkom kontinente.

Vďaka svojim aktivitám a činnostiam African Energy poskytuje farmám a malým poľnohospodárskym podnikom vodné čerpadlá na solárny pohon, ktoré znižujú náklady na čerpanie a vďaka zavlažovaniu zvyšujú výnosy. Zdravotné kliniky a nemocnice sú primárnym trhom pre ich výrobky, počnúc malými osvetľovacími systémami až po solárne systémy na čerpanie vody, ktoré poskytujú čistú pitnú vodu a znižujú početnú príčinu chorôb v Afrike. Študenti využívajú solárnu energiu v školách, pretože poháňa počítače a vďaka klimatizácii dokonca udržiava chlad v triedach.

Pokiaľ ide o hospodársky rast, systémy African Energy zabezpečujú každodennú prevádzku kritickej infraštruktúry v celej Afrike, a to vďaka inštalácii spoľahlivých záložných systémov. To umožňuje vyšší hospodársky rast a stabilnejšiu zamestnanosť.

SDGs ovplyvnené

Týmto projektom prispievate k týmto cieľom trvalo udržateľného rozvoja:

1 - Žiadna chudoba

2 - Nulový hlad

3 - Dobré zdravie a blahobyt

4 - Kvalitné vzdelávanie

6 - Čistá voda a hygiena

7 - Dostupná a čistá energia

8 - dôstojná práca a hospodársky rast

13 - Opatrenia v oblasti klímy

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