Apani Sahkari Sewa Samiti 12
With EUR 6,650 around 11 women from Rajasthan will be able to invest in their microbusinesses of traditional handicrafts.
India has an acclaimed tradition in its handicrafts and the northern Indian state of Rajasthan is known and noted for its tradition in toy-making and embroideries such as Bandhej, Gota, Aratari etc. This is a land of art and craftsmen. The people of this state doubtlessly love a colourful life, but at the same time skilled in a number of arts. One such art is wooden toy manufacturing which is practised in many districts of Rajasthan.
With the motivation of Self Help Groups (SHG) and NGOs like Apani Sahakari Sewa Samiti, there are new and interesting methods of empowering rural women who are skilled in such crafts and providing them with the means to sustain a livelihood. They are being trained in diverse fields such as embroidery, handicrafts etc.
Through this loan, 11 women from Rajasthan will be able to invest in their microbusinesses. The funds will not only empower these women and their families but also go a long way in preserving these dying traditional crafts and expanding their other businesses.
Milaap je največja platforma crowdfunding v Indiji, ki omogoča zgodbe o upanju, pogumu in spremembah. Revnim in izključenim zagotavljajo kreditne storitve, da bi jim pomagali izkopati se iz revščine.
Milaap sodeluje z vrsto kreditno sposobnih partnerjev na terenu, ki imajo močno družbeno poslanstvo. Podeljujejo posojila za energetske projekte, dostop do vode, obrtniške dobavne verige in drugo, večinoma na podeželju. Številni njihovi projekti krepijo položaj podjetnic, predvsem zagotavljajo obratni kapital ženskam, ki se ukvarjajo s tkanjem, malimi trgovinami ali obrtjo.
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