Supermercado El Mono
With a EUR 5,600 loan, Roel can procure more fresh products for his supermarket 'The Monkey'.
Roel is the owner of supermarket el mono, in Colombias capital Bógota. His store has been in the same place (the Kennedy area) for over 10 years. The name of Roels supermarket (El mono) actually means the monkey! He sells groceries, fruits and vegetables. He and his wife employ 2 people from the neighbourhood.
Roel would like to expand the supermarket and procure more products (especially to increase the assortment of fresh produce) so he can satisfy the growing demand from his customers. With the loan Roel is able to grow his business and can offer employment to more people (2) from the area.
Lendahand and its local partner grant this loan to Roel, payable in 24 months, to be able to make this ambition reality.
Eclof Colombia
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