funding gap emerging markets

First Finance 14

  • First Finance
  • Invester i mikrofinansiering
  • + 390 andre investorer
  • With this investment of EUR 140,000 local partner First Finance in Cambodia can provide loans to support 13 families in Phnom Prek district to purchase land for their first home. **please note: this project contains an exchange rate risk EUR/USD)**

    24 måneder
    6 måneder
    Modenhed24 måneder
    Tilbagebetalinger6 måneder
      Fuldt finansieret på 16 dage på 30 Juni 2022.



      First Finance (“FF”) is a Cambodia-based mortgage provider for low- and middle-income borrowers. FF operates under a non-deposit taking microfinance license from the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC). The company is owned by several national and international (impact) investors, among which Norfund and Insitor. Amongst its lenders are Oikocredit, Symbiotics, BlueOrchard and Triple Jump.

      First Finance’s mission is to build economic stability of low-income Cambodian families by increasing access to home ownership. The company positions itself as “housing solutions partner”, not only providing finance but also providing legal advice, construction planning, and home purchase decision-making services.

      First Finance focuses on low- and middle-income salaried employees or self-employed business owners. Its customers are predominantly employed as office or factory workers and civil servants.

      The company is active in 85 (out of 165) districts and in 17 provinces (out of 25), through 9 branches, mostly in urban areas. First Finance reaches its clients through referral programs, direct marketing campaigns, public workshops on financing a home, partnerships and online media. First Finance also manages a call-center to provide consultation on property issues to existing and new clients.

      The main products of the company are:

      -        (First) home loans (mortgages)

      -        Home improvement loans (loans for constucting a house on existsing land or to renovate an existing house)

      -        Residential Land loans (loans for the purcahse of land for residential purpsose)

      -        Home equity loans (loans for consumptive or productive use based on the value of an existing home)


      Use of Proceeds

      With this investment of EUR 140,000 local partner First Finance in Cambodia can provide loans to support 13 families in Phnom Prek district to purchase land for their first home.



      The company’s mission is to build the economic stability of low-income Cambodian families by increasing access to home ownership through the provision of finance.



      To help low-middle income families in Cambodia to live in dignity, security, happiness, and stability through home ownership.


      Highlights or Awards:      

      • In 2012, First Finance won an ASEAN Business Award in the category of Growth (for SMEs).
      • In 2017, FF was selected as semi-finalist for the European Microfinance Award. The theme of the award is Microfinance for housing.
      Virksomhedens navnFirst Finance
      BeliggenhedPhnom Penh


      75 % af cambodjanerne har ikke råd til at købe et hus. I Cambodja er det at blive boligejer en af nøglerne til økonomisk stabilitet for lav- og mellemindkomstfamilier. First Finance yder langsigtede lån til forbedring af boliger, så udsatte familier kan købe, bygge eller forbedre boliger, som de kan være stolte af. Desuden tager First Finance deres hjælp et skridt videre, da de uddanner folk i sikkert køb og salg af deres ejendom og arbejder hårdt på at beskytte cambodjanerne mod de negative risici, der er forbundet med at købe en ejendom. Adgang til sikre boliger til en overkommelig pris forbedrer levestandarden, børns sundhed og udvikling samt den mentale og fysiske sundhed. Det fører også til jobskabelse, øget indkomst og miljømæssig bæredygtighed.

      VM's påvirket

      Med dette projekt bidrager du til følgende mål for bæredygtig udvikling:

      VM 1. Ingen fattigdom

      VM 11. Bæredygtige byer og lokalsamfund

      Læs mere om den indflydelse, du kan have via vores platform og VM på vores side om indflydelse.

      • Med denne investering skabes 10 jobs
      • Med denne investering forbedres 65 liv

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      Vi har allerede bidraget til First Finance 14

      Wilgert Velinga
      Robert Mars
      Marco van der Ploeg
      Madelien van Manen
      Henk Stegeman
      + og en anden