Lendahand wins the Gouden Stier 2018

In the category of Crowdfunding Platforms, Lendahand has won the Gouden Stier 2018!

IEX Gouden Stier's mission is to make the complex and extensive Dutch investment market more transparent and accessible by identifying the best products and services based on clear criteria. The IEX Gouden Stier is an independent quality mark that provides investors with tools to make the right investment decisions.

The winners of the IEX Gouden Stier represent the best products, services, and providers currently available on the market. In this way, IEX Gouden Stier aims to inform and inspire Dutch investors in their search for the best investment solution.

IEX uses three criteria to determine the Top-5 Best Choices:

1. Value for Money
The Value for Money criterion weighs the performance of the product or service against the costs that the investor has to pay.

2. Clarity
This criterion carefully considers whether it is made clear to the customer what they are purchasing. Is there a clear explanation of the product or service, and are the risks clearly highlighted? Additionally, the completeness of the information is evaluated: is the (potential) customer fully informed? Customer communication is scrutinized through brochures, reports, general customer contact, possible scenario sketches, etc.

3. Usability
The research related to the usability criterion answers whether the promise of the product or service matches the product or service itself. Is the product or service easy to use? Is the provider easily accessible, is the website good, and are any questions the investor may have easy to find?

Each category has specific definitions and weightings for these criteria, further detailed in the category overview.

On November 8, 2018, it will be announced that Best Choices will win an additional award for exceptional achievements or milestones over the past year. The same criteria are used to determine the annual winner as those used for the Best Choice, with the difference that the period considered is limited to the past year. Lendahand has won this award.




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