Bolortsogt Baljinnyam
With EUR 3,200 Bolortsogt is able to gather more materials (e.g. plastic) in order to sell to recycling business.
Bolortsogt, a father of two, has been operating a business that sells input materials to recycling businesses in the Mongolian Capital for the past ten years.
He collects materials such as iron, aluminum, copper, brass, can, glass and plastic. Once it reaches up to 4-5 metric tons, the entrepreneur transports the goods to several buyers by truck where he sells the materials with a 20% margin.
With a loan Bolortsogt will be able to expand his business and gather larger amounts to sell to recycling companies. Lendahand will provide a loan together with local partner VFM that must be repaid in 24 months.
Vision Fund Mongolia
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