funding gap emerging markets

Lulalend 3

  • Lulalend
  • Fjárfestu í örfjármögnun
  • + 723 aðrir fjárfestar
  • With a loan of EUR 350,000 Lulalend will be able to provide working capital to 15 small and medium enterprises in South-Africa so these companies can expand their production facilities.

    12 mánuðir
    6 mánuðir
    Gjaldagi12 mánuðir
    Endurgreiðslur6 mánuðir
      Fullfjármagnað á 11 dögumá 30 June 2021.


      Lulalend is a South African SME lender. The company is built on the belief in the power of small businesses and strives to empower businesses throughout South Africa. Lulalend's loans are characterised by speed, convenience, and easy application. This is achieved through the company's automated online platform.

      Trevor Gosling is the company's founder and has been its CEO since inception in 2014. Trevor is a chartered accountant with 7 years of experience in investment banking as well as 3 years experience in structured finance. Before starting Lulalend, Trevor found and succesfully exited an e-commerce venture.

      Information document issuing entity (NL)

      Information note issuing entity (BE)

      With a loan Lulalend will be able to provide working capital to small and medium Enterprises in South-Africa.

      For the term "CEO," the appropriate translation in Icelandic is "forstjóri."Trevor Gosling


      More than 40% of SMEs in Africa mention the lack of financing as the major factor limiting their growth. To help overcome this challenge, Lulalend offers access to funding to SMEs in South Africa by delivering working capital within 24 hours through their automated online platform.

      Easy access to working capital increases productivity and job creation, both necessary conditions to reduce poverty. A formal job creates impact on income and enables regularity of wages, allowing a family to plan for the future, save money, and improve access to credit, housing, and children’s education. It can lift unskilled workers out of poverty and allow skilled workers to enter the middle class. Therefore financing SMEs with growth potential is one of the key ingredients for inclusive growth.


      SDGs impacted

      With this project you are contributing to the following Sustainable Development Goals:

      SDG 1. No poverty

      SDG 8. Decent work and economic growth

      Read more about the impact you can make through our platform and the SDGs on our impact page.

      • Með þessari fjárfestingu eru 10 störf sköpuð
      • Með þessari fjárfestingu batnar líf 100 einstaklinga

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      Því miður! Þú verður að vera innskráður til að skoða þessa síðu.

      Því miður! Þú verður að vera innskráður til að skoða þessa síðu.

      Því miður! Þú verður að vera innskráður til að skoða þessa síðu.

      Því miður! Þú verður að vera innskráður til að skoða þessa síðu.

      Við höfum þegar lagt okkar af mörkum til Lulalend 3

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      Martin Aart de Jong
      Ton Van der Meer
      Trees van den Hoogen
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