MDF West Africa

funding gap emerging markets

From the introduction of the first project management training in 1984 a whole range of training and consultancy services in the area of project, programme and organisational management followed. In the next 15 years MDF gained significant experience as learning facilitators through its training and consultancy services. By then it was time to widen the geographical spread of services by creating a second office in Sri Lanka. In 2000 the name grew into ‘MDF Training & Consultancy’. We kept the well-known acronym ‘MDF’ followed by its core services ‘Training and Consultancy’. More offices followed and now MDF Training & Consultancy has offices in Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Belgium, DR Congo, Kenya, and Ghana. Meanwhile, the MDF Training & Consultancy in the Netherlands remains in Ede, where it all began. 

Informazzjoni ġenerali

Min jissellefMDF West Africa
Uffiċċju prinċipaliAccra
Imwaqqfa 1 January 1984
Attiv fuq Lendahand minn 1 November 2018

Informazzjoni finanzjarja sal-2020-12-31

Total assets€1,454,944.37
Proporzjon ta' Leverage28.00%

Dwar Gana

Ghana has been one of the more stable countries in Western Africa, both politically and economically. The economy of Ghana is rapidly growing and the average income is higher than in neighboring countries. Until 2010 Ghana mainly received hard currency through the export of gold and cacao. More recently timber, diamonds and bauxite have also started becoming export product. Agriculture remains important for Ghana. Self-sustaining agriculture amounts to 35 per cent of the GDP and provides work to about 75 per cent of the working population. The industrial sector mainly serves the domestic market of 24 million with a disposable income of 700 dollars per person. Ghanaians living abroad are also an important economic factor. There is a strong bond between Ghana and the Netherlands. Until 2008 the Netherlands was the main export partner of Ghana.

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