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Spartan Impact Finance 5

  • Spartan Impact Finance
  • Investi fil-mikrofinanza
  • + 187 investituri oħra
  • With EUR 100,000 Spartan will be able to provide working capital to an SME company, which operates in the transport sector, enabling it to repair and re-licence trucks and trailers, in order to fulfil a contract from a large corporate client.

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    6 xhur
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      Ffinanzjat kompletament f’siegħafuq 25 November 2020.


      Spartan is a alternative funder and NBFI [Non-Bank Finance Institution] that focuses on financing SMEs in South Africa. 

      Based in Johannesburg, Spartan offers 3 categories of financing for Small & Medium Businesses to support their growth. These 3 categories are: 

      1. Working Capital Finance
      2. Specialised Asset Finance
      3. Growth Finance

      These finance options address the majority of SMEs’ finance needs - that are not usually met by traditional funders.

      Working Capital Finance is offered via Bridging Finance [1-3 month revolving facility] or Medium-Term Loan [6-12 month term] mechanisms - both being solutions that assist businesses with solving growth related cash flow challenges e.g. periodic large contracts or projects that are either short or long term in nature.

      Specialised Asset Finance [24-60 months term] is offered for acquiring any type of tangible or intangible asset or equipment to be utilized in productive growth - and where traditional funders are uncomfortable with the nature of these items. Some examples include:

      • Machinery Finance for all machinery types e.g. manufacturing, warehousing, agro-processing, mining support, construction, engineering, etc
      • Technology Finance, Software Finance and any innovative technology driven item
      • Fit-Out Finance for fitting out building interiors
      • Logistics vehicles and Yellow Metal equipment

      Growth Finance [24-60 months term] is offered for expansion initiatives that required a structured finance solution with a combination of the above finance mechanisms.

      Spartan is focussed on SMEs in a growth context and not a start-up nor distress context.

      Read the information document here

      Read the informationnota here (especially for Belgium investors)

      Isem il-kumpanijaSpartan Impact Finance
      Kap EżekuttivKumaran Padayachee
      SetturServizzi finanzjarji


      SMEs are crucial to the economy in South Africa, yet they struggle to access the capital they need to grow and thrive. Spartan Impact Finance provides funding to growing South African SMEs through their digitized financing process. They understand the entrepreneur's business and needs, and help strengthen skills, knowledge, and efficiency to run a growing business successfully. 

      Easy access to working capital increases productivity and job creation, both necessary conditions to reduce poverty. A formal job creates impact on income and enables regularity of wages, allowing a family to plan for the future, save money, and improve access to credit, housing, and children’s education. It can lift unskilled workers out of poverty and allow skilled workers to enter the middle class. Therefore financing SMEs with growth potential is one of the key ingredients for inclusive growth.


      SDGs impacted

      With this project you are contributing to the following Sustainable Development Goals:

      SDG 1. No Poverty

      SDG 8. Decent work and economic growth

      Read more about the impact you can make through our platform and the SDGs on our impact page.

      • B'din l-investiment jinħolqu 10 impjiegi
      • B'din l-investiment, il-ħajjiet ta' 100 persuni jitjiebu

      Jiddispjaċini! Trid tkun illoggjat biex tara din il-paġna.

      Jiddispjaċini! Trid tkun illoggjat biex tara din il-paġna.

      Jiddispjaċini! Trid tkun illoggjat biex tara din il-paġna.

      Jiddispjaċini! Trid tkun illoggjat biex tara din il-paġna.

      Jiddispjaċini! Trid tkun illoggjat biex tara din il-paġna.

      Diġà kkontribwejna għal Spartan Impact Finance 5

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