Saving or Investing: Which is Better for Me?

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If you're just starting to build wealth, it is important to consider whether you should save or invest your money. Saving offers safety, while investing provides the opportunity to grow your money faster over time. Both options have their advantages, but which one is the best fit for your situation? In this article, we'll discuss the differences between saving and investing, the available options, and how you can make a positive impact with your money.


What is the difference between saving and investing?

The main difference between saving and investing lies in risk and return. Saving is generally safe because you're placing your money in a savings account with a bank, often at a fixed interest rate. You know exactly how much interest you'll earn, but these rates are often low nowadays. Investing involves putting your money into things like stocks, bonds, or crowdfunding projects. This offers the potential for higher returns, but also carries more risk, as the value of your investments can fluctuate.


What types of saving options are there?

There are several ways to save money, each comes with its own pros and cons:


What types of investments are there?

Investing can be done in different ways, depending on your risk tolerance and goals:


How can I make a positive impact with my money?

If you want more than just financial returns, you can choose to invest your money in impactful projects. Impact investing, like offered by Lendahand, allows you to invest in sustainable and social projects that improve people's lives. This means you not only earn financial returns, but also contribute to a better world by supporting clean energy or microfinance, for example.


Why invest with Lendahand?

Lendahand offers a unique opportunity for beginners who want to invest and make a positive impact at the same time. With a relatively low starting amount of €10, you can invest in projects that promote sustainable development and receive up to 8% interest per year. The platform is transparent about risks and expected returns, allowing you to make an informed choice. Additionally, you’re investing in projects that improve the lives of people in developing countries, delivering a double return: financial and social.


Take your first step in investing with Lendahand

If you’re unsure whether to save or invest, it’s important to consider your financial goals and risk tolerance. Saving offers security, while investing provides the potential for higher returns, especially when you choose impactful investments. At Lendahand, you can easily start investing in projects that benefit both you and the world.

Start investing with Lendahand today and make a difference! Click here to create your free account.