funding gap emerging markets


  • HUMO
  • Investiți în microfinanțare
  • + 533 alți investitori
  • With a EUR 150,000 loan, local partner HUMO will provide financing to 113 of rural entrepreneurs, farmers and women-owned businesses in Tajikistan. This loan will enable clients to access working capital and run their businesses. *exchange rate risk EUR/USD*

    24 luni
    24 luni
    Maturitate24 luni
    Rambursări24 luni
      Finanțare integrală în 48 zile pe 10 octombrie 2023.


      *Notional repayment after 24 months, interest payment every 6 months*

      HUMO is a progressive and leading microcredit deposit organization established in Tajikistan. The main activity of the company is the provision of high-quality, affordable financial services to the rural population, as well as to promote the development of small and medium-sized businesses in poor regions of the Republic of Tajikistan. HUMO uses modern technologies and high standards of microfinance in its work, which allows the company to carry out activities in accordance with the world's best practices. This implies high-quality customer service, effective company management, and good relationships with partner banks, state regulatory bodies, and local authorities. 

      On November 1, 2013, the National Bank of Tajikistan issued to HUMO a license to carry out microfinancing activities. The day the MFI license was received became a significant event, marking another step in the stable growth and development of the company. Previously, HUMO worked under the brand of LLC Microcredit Organization "Humo and Partners", which was established in June 2008. The founder of the organization is the Microloan Fund “Humo”, which is the successor of the CARE International microcredit program in Tajikistan.


      Use of Proceeds / Loan purpose

      HUMO is the second largest microfinance institution in Tajikistan in terms of loan portfolio. The company offers its services through our 24 branches and 48 microfinance service centers. 

      HUMO’s core business is microfinance loans and it provides a wide range of loan products like Agri loans, Agri SME loans, Business micro, Business SME and consumer loans. In 2022 the company provided loans to existing and new clients to the amount of TJS 1.2 billion (more than USD 100 million).  

      Apart from this, as a microfinance institution, HUMO provides a wide range of banking services and loans and foreign currencies, like attraction of deposits, opening banking accounts, providing payment cards, money transfers, forex operations, online banking, payment services, etc.

      The main sources of income of the company are loan portfolio, remittances and other banking services, like payment services, mobile banking, fx operations, payment cards.

      What financial return could your investment generate? 

      • Annual interest rate of 5%
      • Bullet loan. This means you will receive the repayment of your investment after 24 months. The interest payment takes place every 6 months.
      • Note: you are investing in dollars (USD), so there is a risk of exchange rate fluctuations between dollars and euros. For more information about possible exchange rate risks, you can check our currency page.


      Provision of access to a wide range of high-quality banking services, innovative financial solutions to the population and representatives of micro, small and agribusiness in order to contribute to the social and economic development of the Republic of Tajikistan. 


      HUMO is one of the leading fintech companies offering affordable financial and non-financial services through partners and new markets.


      Numele companieiHUMO
      CEOFirdavs Mayunusov
      Cifra de afaceri$26,525,000
      Scorul de creditA+


      HUMO este o instituție de microfinanțare din Tadjikistan care se angajează să îmbunătățească incluziunea financiară pentru a îmbunătăți bunăstarea financiară a persoanelor cu venituri mici, a întreprinderilor mici și a antreprenorilor din țară. Accesul la finanțare este un instrument eficient de combatere a sărăciei. Acesta sporește activitatea antreprenorială, ducând la crearea de locuri de muncă, emancipare și dezvoltare economică.

      IFM deservește în principal antreprenori și persoane din zonele rurale, unde locuiesc 75% dintre clienții săi. 40% din portofoliul lor de clienți sunt femei antreprenor. HUMO își ajută, de asemenea, clienții să se orienteze către servicii adecvate de educație și sănătate și să își sporească cunoștințele financiare.

      ODD impact

      Prin acest proiect, contribuiți la următoarele Obiective de Dezvoltare Durabilă:

      ODD 1 - Fără sărăcie

      ODD 8 - Muncă decentă și creștere economică

      Citiți mai multe despre impactul pe care îl puteți avea prin intermediul platformei noastre și al ODD pe pagina noastră de impact.

      • Prin această investiție sunt create 8 locuri de muncă
      • Prin aceasta investittie se imbunatatesc 563 vieti

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      Am contribuit deja la HUMO 2

      André Kloosterman
      Pieter van der Plas
      Ton Van der Meer
      Barteld Wierda
      Richard Lispet
      + și altul