funding gap emerging markets

Mikro Kapital 17

  • Mikro Kapital
  • Investiți în microfinanțare
  • + 659 alți investitori
  • Working as a woodworker for over 12 years, Igor needed to renew his tools and machinery. To facilitate his small business's growth, he secured a loan from Mikro Kapital. Your investment plays a crucial role in assisting 20 entrepreneurs in Moldova to enhance their revenue.

    36 luni
    6 luni
    Maturitate36 luni
    Rambursări6 luni
      Finanțare integrală în 29 zile pe 31 octombrie 2023.


      Igor's woodworking expertise extends to a wide range of wooden products, from wine furniture and cellars to tables, chairs, and garden pavilions. Despite a steady flow of orders, financial constraints became a significant challenge. The situation was compounded by the departure of skilled workers seeking opportunities abroad due to simplified migration procedures. Faced with the need to procure essential materials and replace ageing tools, Igor recognised the need for financial support to sustain and grow his small business.

      In his search for financial support, Igor turned to microfinancing. With a business loan from Mikro Kapital, he was able to buy the tools and machinery to continue his business. This shows how Mikro Kapital’s microloan empowers entrepreneurs. Your investment in Mikro Kapital contributes to the ongoing success stories of SME entrepreneurs across Moldova, fostering economic development and resilience in the region.

      What social return could your investment make?

      Moldova continues to grapple with poverty despite some recent progress. This progress mostly comes from domestic spending and money transfers from Moldovans working abroad. Nonetheless, Moldova faces ongoing challenges, including the impact of global economic conditions and unpredictable weather.

      Through this 200,000 euro loan, Mikro Kapital will be able to finance 20 Moldovan entrepreneurs like Igor, active in sectors such as agriculture, trade, and transportation. This funding not only strengthens their businesses but also stimulates job creation, contributing to Moldova's ongoing development.


      What financial return could your investment generate? 

      • Annual interest rate 6%
      • The maturity of the loan is 36 months
      • Repayment of your investment in equal installments every six months. That means you will receive the repayment of your loan in 6 equal installments, one every 6 months until the maturity of 36 months, along with the interest.
      • With an investment of 1,000 euros, your expected total repayment would be 1,105 euros.


      The story of Mikro Kapital 

      Mikro Kapital is a financial institution in Moldova that offers loans to small businesses and individuals. It's part of a larger group called Mikro Kapital Group based in Luxembourg and owned by Alternative Fund. The company started in April 2013 and has its main office in Chisinau, with 11 branches in different Moldovan towns.

      As of July 2022, Mikro Kapital had 79 employees and over 33 million EUR in assets. In the last two years, their total equity grew by 2.5 million EUR, reaching 6.9 million EUR. They've managed to maintain a good loan portfolio, with a low problem loan rate (PAR>90) of only 0.8%. Since they began, they've provided over 8,500 loans, totaling 80 million EUR.

      Mikro Kapital Group, headquartered in Luxembourg, manages a substantial portfolio of over one billion euros across 14 countries.

      Mikro Kapital in numbers

      • Founded in 2013
      • 11 branches across Moldova
      • 79 employees
      • > 8,500 loans provided, totaling 80 million EUR
      Numele companieiMikro Kapital
      CEOSergiu Turcanu
      SectorServicii financiare
      Cifra de afaceri€2,770,000
      Scorul de creditB+


      Mikro Kapital oferă acces transparent la finanțare pentru IMM-urile moldovenești din diverse sectoare, de la agricultură și comerț la servicii de transport. Serviciile lor financiare permit atât persoanelor fizice, cât și antreprenorilor să iasă din stagnarea și regresul dezvoltării economice. Sprijinul financiar le permite antreprenorilor moldoveni să își sporească activitatea profesională, ceea ce duce la crearea de locuri de muncă, scăderea emigrației și îmbunătățirea condițiilor de viață.

      ODD Impactul

      Prin acest proiect contribuiți la următoarele Obiective de Dezvoltare Durabilă:

      ODD 1 - Fără sărăcie

      ODD 8 - Muncă decentă și creștere economică

      Citiți mai multe despre impactul pe care îl puteți avea prin intermediul platformei noastre și al ODD pe pagina noastră de impact.

      Postări de blog conexe

      • Citiți aici introducerea Mikro Kapital ca o nouă oportunitate de investiții.
      • Descoperiți care sunt cele 5 provocări cu care se confruntă Moldova făcând clic aici.
      • Am avut ocazia să vizităm Mikro Kapital și să cunoaștem câțiva dintre clienții lor. Citiți povestea lor aici.
      • Prin această investiție sunt create 10 locuri de muncă
      • Prin aceasta investittie se imbunatatesc 200 vieti

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      Am contribuit deja la Mikro Kapital 17

      Marc Sierink
      Diana Bovens
      Gino IJisberg
      Marion Colombain
      Olaf Janssen
      + și altul