funding gap emerging markets

Gloriamarys Art&Crafts

  • NPFC
  • Investujte do mikrofinancovania
  • + 10 ďalší investori
  • With a loan of EUR 4,800 Jerome can produce a large purchase order of shellcraft for a Turkish customer.

    6 mesiace
    6 mesiace
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    Splátky6 mesiace
      Plne financované za 7 dní na stránke 22 September 2015.


      A sole proprietor from the island of Cebu, Jerome Labiste owns “Gloriamarys Art & Crafts”. His initially started his business in 2011, but was registered under the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in July 15, 2013, where its nature is in shellcraft and home decorations. Before starting his business, he used to be an employee. He started as a regular staff in an export company, and was later promoted in marketing, designing, and custom processing, where he obtained his expertise in the over all operations of export industry. When the export company shut down, Jerome chooses to open a business similar to where he used to work. At first, he used to be a sub-contractor of different exporters in Cebu. But as he began to meet foreign buyer, Jerome continuously produces a good quality shellcrafts and decorations, to whom he exports his products directly. Jerome’s passion in handling and managing the business makes it more productive and competitive in the field of shellcraft and handicraft business. 

      At present, his major markets are some foreign countries such as Malta, Italy, Turkey, and Greece. Today, he already employs six regular workers, composed of four male and two female. All of them, receives mandated benefits, board and lodging aside from compensation. He also provides jobs to around 15 families within his community to have an additional income. 

      Lendahand will provide the loan to Jerome via local partner NPFC so he can finance his latest order from a client in Turkey. 

      Názov spoločnostiNPFC
      GENERÁLNY RIADITEĽJerome Labiste
      UmiestnenieCebu City
      SektorVýroba / produkcia


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      Už sme prispeli k Gloriamarys Art&Crafts

      Ron van Eijk
      Jan de Wit
      + a ďalšie