funding gap emerging markets


  • OXUS
  • Investujte do mikrofinancovania
  • + 414 ďalší investori
  • Ismatov evolved from a small-scale farmer to a successful agrarian. How? A $1,000 loan from Oxus enabled him to purchase machinery, boost his productivity, and expand his land. His journey exemplifies how microfinancing can transform livelihoods. With your investment in Oxus, you support 135 other entrepreneurs in Tajikistan with a loan.

    24 mesiace
    6 mesiace
    Zrelosť24 mesiace
    Splátky6 mesiace
      Plne financované za 12 dní na stránke 8 Október 2023.


      Please note: 1st principal repayment after 12 months instead of 6 months. However, the interest payments start after 6 months.

      Ismatov started his farm with a modest piece of land and a handful of chickens. A $1,000 loan from Oxus enabled him to invest in machinery to boost productivity. With the increased income this generated, he was able to buy more land. Ismatov's story shows the impactful effect of microfinancing when tailored to specific local needs.

      Microfinance institution Oxus Tajikistan excels at understanding and adjusting to Tajikistan's specific economic and social challenges. This means designing financial products that truly resonate with the needs of local clients. Their fast disbursement procedures, flexible lending conditions, and competitive interest rates have ensured that clients like farmer Ismatov receive an individualised approach. It shows the dedication of Oxus to genuinely contribute to growth and progress in the country. By investing in Oxus, you are actively participating in the growth stories of 135 Tajikistan SME entrepreneurs.

      What social return could your investment make?

      With their presence in rural areas of Tajikistan, Oxus supports often overlooked SMEs. Not only does this enable rural communities to advance socially, but it also drives regional economic development. Besides, over 40% of their loans are dedicated to female entrepreneurs, promoting gender equality and amplifying women's roles in business.

      Microfinance institutions (MFIs) like Oxus are indispensable in the local economy. They fill gaps left by traditional banking systems, ensuring that fundamental businesses and marginalised sectors get the financial support they need to grow. An investment in Oxus, therefore, resonates beyond immediate returns, planting seeds for a broader societal transformation.

      What financial return could your investment generate? 

      • Annual interest rate 5,5%
      • The maturity of the loan is 24 months
      • Grace period: the first repayment of your investment will be made after 12 months. After that, there will be a repayment every 6 months
      • With an investment of 1,000 euros, your expected total repayment would be 1,075 euros.
      • This is a local currency (LCY) project, but the exchange risk is covered by our partner TCX. Please read our blog and FAQ for further information.


      The story of Oxus

      Founded in 2005 by the globally recognized NGO ACTED*, Oxus has grown to be a significant player in the microfinance landscape. ACTED's commitment to socio-economic development led them to establish Oxus, ensuring financial inclusion for underserved communities. Today, ACTED remains the largest shareholder of Oxus Holding, underlining their continuous support and belief in the power of microfinance.

      In its commitment to bolstering the local economy, Oxus provides loans in the region's currency, ensuring borrowers are shielded from exchange fluctuations. An average loan from Oxus to an entrepreneur is $3,000. Furthermore, their emphasis on income-generating projects underscores their dedication to sustainable community development.

      Oxus in numbers

      • Founded in 2005
      • 27 active branches across Tajikistan
      • >200 employees
      • >14 000 clients


      *Acted is also a shareholder of Hands-on BV (under the brand name Lendahand). However, with a stake of only a few percent, this does not hinder us from displaying the proposition on our website. For more information, see the FAQ 'How does Lendahand address potential conflicts of interest?'

      Názov spoločnostiOXUS
      GENERÁLNY RIADITEĽVatansho Vatanshoev
      Úverové skóreA


      OXUS je mikrofinančná inštitúcia v Tadžikistane, ktorej cieľom je poskytovať finančné služby chudobným pracujúcim a podnikateľom bez bankového spojenia v krajine. Prístup k financiám je účinným nástrojom boja proti chudobe. Zvyšuje podnikateľskú aktivitu, čo vedie k vytváraniu pracovných miest, posilneniu postavenia a hospodárskemu rozvoju. MFI slúži podnikateľom a ľuďom vo vidieckych oblastiach, kde žije 80 % ich klientov. 40 % ich klientskeho portfólia tvoria ženy - podnikateľky.

      SDGs dopadom

      Týmto projektom prispievate k plneniu nasledujúcich cieľov trvalo udržateľného rozvoja:

      SDG 1 - Žiadna chudoba

      SDG 8 - Dôstojná práca a hospodársky rast

      Viac informácií o vplyve, ktorý môžete dosiahnuť prostredníctvom našej platformy a stránky SDGs, nájdete na našej stránke o vplyve.

      Súvisiace príspevky na blogu

      Prečítajte si predstavenie OXUS ako novej investičnej príležitosti tu.

      Získajte viac informácií o Tadžikistane tu.

      Chcete sa dozvedieť viac o tom, ako môže finančná inklúzia prospievať podnikaniu? Prečítajte si tu.

      Zaujíma vás, ktoré ďalšie mikrofinančné inštitúcie máme v našom portfóliu? Pozrite si ich tu.

      • Vďaka tejto investícii sa vytvorí 7 pracovných miest.
      • Vďaka tejto investícii sa zlepšuje život 830

      Prepáčte! Na zobrazenie tejto stránky musíte byť prihlásený.

      Prepáčte! Na zobrazenie tejto stránky musíte byť prihlásený.

      Prepáčte! Na zobrazenie tejto stránky musíte byť prihlásený.

      Prepáčte! Na zobrazenie tejto stránky musíte byť prihlásený.

      Prepáčte! Na zobrazenie tejto stránky musíte byť prihlásený.

      Už sme prispeli k OXUS 3

      Johan van Putten
      Liesbeth Dorama
      Ton Van der Meer
      Richard Lispet
      Elly Vos
      + a ďalšie