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  • With a loan of EUR 162,000 REDAVIA will pre-finance, procure, import and install another 3 solar units for medium enterprises in Ghana and Kenya.

    18 mesecev
    6 mesecev
    Zrelost18 mesecev
    Odplačila6 mesecev
      V celoti financirano v 2 urah na spletni strani 27 junij 2022.



      REDAVIA is an industry leader in solar power. We provide solar farms to businesses and communities in West and East Africa. With a proven track record in cost-effective, reliable and clean energy, REDAVIA is committed to using solar energy as a key driver for sustainable development.

      The innovative REDAVIA pay-as-you-go system consists of a pre-configured Unit containing solar modules and electrical components. Once the Unit is on-site, our REDAVIA-trained, local specialists manage the installation, operations and maintenance of each solar farm.

      Our carbon neutral solution can be used to support existing power structures by supplementing the utility grid or on-site diesel generators. Through our flexible lease agreements with just a minimal upfront investment, our customers can reduce costs and increase their operational flexibility.

      Watch the intro movie here

      The project

      REDAVIA’s solar plants give commercial and industrial (C&I) companies in Ghana and Kenya access to clean and affordable energy. Freed cash from this repayment funding will flow into solar assets for seven further solar Units that have been committed. With a loan, REDAVIA will pre-finance, procure, import and install up-to 3 solar Units into leases with (C&I) customers in Ghana and Kenya. To date, REDAVIA has installed 100 solar Units and operates them in line with Ghanaian and Kenyan regulations under lease-to-own contracts, with an average lease term of 12 years. REDAVIA is proud to continuously extend its portfolio of Leases during the COVID-19 crisis and contribute with low cost and clean power to its customers well-being, conserving cash, maintaining or restarting system-critical operations and retaining local employees such as with Methodist University College in Ghana. This loan will enable the companies to use up to 228 MWhs per year of clean energy, impacting a total of 200 employees and other stakeholders.

      All funded Units follow REDAVIA’s standardized specifications of FTS-80GM, FTS-40CP, or FTS-60RM. 40-foot containers are packed with solar panels, prefabricated aluminium or steel frame structures, inverter systems and cabling to connect the panels to strings and to the inverters; the containers will then be shipped to Ghana and Kenya. Further cabling, concrete blocks and other local material is purchased locally and expedited to the customer site. Once the materials have arrived, the container is unpacked, and a solar plant is installed within 2 days.

      REDAVIA expects to deploy around 5 MWp of solar capacity per year to leases in Ghana and Kenya for the next three years.


      In Ghana to-date:

      • REDAVIA has produced 4,400 MWhs of clean energy and each ground mount solar Unit adds p.a. 120 MWhs, carport Unit adds p.a. 60 MWhs, and roof mount Unit adds p.a. 95 MWhs.
      • In total, this accumulates to 2,300 tons of CO2 abated with each solar Unit reducing another p.a. 55 tonnes of CO2 (FTS-40CP p.a. 27 tonnes, FTS-60RM p.a. 41 tonnes)
      • REDAVIA’s customer portfolio in Ghana gives more than 20,000 workers and residents access to clean energy.
      • REDAVIA’s customers not only own the solar equipment after the lease contract is complete, but also achieve > 5% of monthly savings on the energy delivered, i.e. an average of a hundred US Dollars per month per solar Unit of 85 kWp. Customers can reinvest these savings into their businesses for further growth. 
      • REDAVIA works with the Regional Maritime University to support RMU’s newly accredited ‘Renewable Energy Engineering’ curriculum, which aims to educate and prepare students for engineering jobs in the renewable sector, ensuring ongoing, sustainable development in Ghana, as well as contributing to the creation of jobs and wealth within the country.
      • REDAVIA hired 10 local team members in Ghana and Kenya and trains them on a regular basis along with more than 20 contractors and suppliers.


      Description of Vision & Mission:    

      Our vision is to be the global market leader of cost-effective, reliable lease-to-own solar power solutions for businesses and communities, reducing emissions by over 100k tonnes/year and providing clean electricity access to around 650k people by the end of 2021. 


      Highlights or Awards:

      • Frost & Sullivan’s Best Practices Award 2014

      Previous realized projects:

      Ime podjetjaREDAVIA GmbH
      GENERALNI DIREKTORErwin Spolders
      SektorProjekti trajnostne energije


      Družba Redavia zagotavlja sončne elektrarne malim in srednje velikim podjetjem v vzhodni Afriki. Strankam omogoča znatno zmanjšanje stroškov energije, zmanjšanje emisij ogljika in večjo prilagodljivost delovanja. Prednosti sončne energije podjetjem omogočajo trajnostno širitev poslovanja in zaposlitev večjega števila delavcev v njihovih skupnostih. Redavia s 17 sončnimi elektrarnami, ki delujejo v Gani, Keniji in Tanzaniji, je do zdaj vplivala na življenja 25 000 ljudi, saj zagotavlja dostop do čiste energije in ustvarja prepotrebna delovna mesta.

      Skupaj z Regionalno pomorsko univerzo Redavia pomaga študentom strojništva pri iskanju zaposlitve v sektorju obnovljivih virov energije, kar zagotavlja stalen in trajnostni gospodarski razvoj v Gani.

      OZR vplivalo na

      S tem projektom prispevate k naslednjim ciljem trajnostnega razvoja:

      OZR 1 - Brez revščine

      OZR 7 - Dostopna in čista energija

      OZR 8 - Dostojno delo in gospodarska rast

      OZR 12 - odgovorna potrošnja in proizvodnja

      OZR 13 - Podnebni ukrepi

      Več o vplivu, ki ga lahko dosežete z našo platformo in spletno stranjo OZR, si preberite na naši strani o vplivu.

      • S to naložbo je bilo ustvarjenih 15 delovnih mest.
      • S to naložbo se izboljšajo življenja 200
      • S to naložbo so bili nameščeni 3 sončni sistemi za hiše.

      Žal mi je! Za ogled te strani morate biti prijavljeni.

      Žal mi je! Za ogled te strani morate biti prijavljeni.

      Žal mi je! Za ogled te strani morate biti prijavljeni.

      Žal mi je! Za ogled te strani morate biti prijavljeni.

      Žal mi je! Za ogled te strani morate biti prijavljeni.

      Prispevali smo že k REDAVIA GmbH 21

      Gert Mosterd
      Anastasios Krommydas
      Frits van der Kooij
      Martin Aart de Jong
      Eliza Luszczewska
      + in še en