funding gap emerging markets

Invest in the refurbishment of Miranda’s organic restaurant

  • Kaebauk (KIF)
  • The €50,000 goes to 30 entrepreneurs
  • + 225 andre investorer
  • €50,000
    36 måneder
    6 måneder
    Modenhed36 måneder
    Tilbagebetalinger6 måneder
      Fuldt finansieret på 15 dage på 15 Maj 2024.


      Invest in a project that supports small family businesses in a vulnerable economy.

      Cooking is Miranda’s greatest passion. She started her restaurant from scratch in 1999 and is now renowned for her daily buffet of exclusively organic and Timorese dishes. With a loan of €10,000, she purchased all the necessary ingredients and cooking equipment. Now, she wants to use a new loan to invest in a small renovation and further decorate her colorful restaurant. She receives her loans from the microfinance institution Kaebauk.

      We meet Miranda at her restaurant Lemorai, which means 'traveler' in the local Tetum language. Appropriately, her restaurant is located along the busiest road in Dili, the capital of East Timor, where much traffic passes by.

      The menu features organic dishes from local harvests, such as spinach, carrot, fish, and sweet potato. The restaurant is open daily until the buffet runs out. When we arrive around 4 PM, the last guests are just sitting down.

      Miranda is a restaurant owner in East Timor and receives financing through Lendahand
      Miranda offers a buffet of local produce


      We meet Miranda at her restaurant Lemorai, which means 'traveler' in the local Tetum language. Appropriately, her restaurant is located along the busiest road in Dili, the capital of East Timor, where much traffic passes by.

      As a single mother, Miranda has built a strong legacy for her two daughters with her restaurant. Additionally, she has a big motherly heart. Her employees are welcome to live with her, as many of them live far from family or cannot rely on family support. In the restaurant and with Miranda, they feel at home.

      In East Timor, 42% of the population lives below the poverty line, with little formal employment available. The majority of the population does not have consistent income.

      You are investing in Kaebauk, a microfinance institution in East Timor with a social mission. They assist entrepreneurs and low-income families with financing. Their clients can count on individual advice from their contact person at Kaebauk. They share financial knowledge with entrepreneurs, enabling them to make informed decisions and grow their businesses.

      Your support for Kaebauk through investment in this project will help 30 local entrepreneurs like Miranda, offering them a chance for a better life.

      Miranda is a restaurant owner in East Timor and receives financing through Lendahand
      Restaurant owner Miranda with her employees and our colleague Lynn



      Virksomhedens navnKaebauk (KIF)
      BeliggenhedDili, Timor Leste
      SektorFinansielle tjenester


      I øjeblikket lever 41% af befolkningen i Timor-Leste under fattigdomsgrænsen, og kun 13% af befolkningen har adgang til almindelige finansielle tjenester. Eksistensen af en finansiel institution som KIF er afgørende for den økonomiske vækst i Timor-Leste.

      Kaebauk Investimentu no Finansas, SA (KIF) er forpligtet til at være en pålidelig og tilgængelig finansiel institution i Timor-Leste. Mikrofinansieringslån og relaterede tjenester ydes til et stort antal fattige iværksættere på en bæredygtig og reguleret måde, hvilket i sidste ende forbedrer livskvaliteten for familier og styrker kvinder. Omkring 70 % af alle lån er rettet mod kvindelige iværksættere.

      Med et lån fra Lendahand vil KIF være i stand til at yde finansiel støtte til en række iværksættere i landdistrikterne, landmænd, kvindeejede virksomheder og andre små og mellemstore virksomheder i Østtimor. Med din investering i den lokale partner KIF kan iværksættere udvide deres forretning og skabe arbejdspladser.

      VM Påvirket

      Med dette projekt bidrager du til følgende mål for bæredygtig udvikling:

      VM 1 - Ingen fattigdom

      VM 8 - Anstændigt arbejde og økonomisk vækst

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      Vi har allerede bidraget til Invest in the refurbishment of Miranda’s organic restaurant

      Jérome SERANT
      Jeroen Rust
      Robert Roose
      Frits van der Kooij
      Ron van Eijk
      + og en anden