funding gap emerging markets

GSB Capital 7

  • GSB Capital
  • Invest in microfinance
  • + 586 other investors
  • Invest in GSB Capital and create job opportunities in Mongolia. With the support of this microfinance institution, Tolga successfully started a small factory for construction materials, employing six people. Your investment will enable GSB Capital to finance 18 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

    24 months
    6 months
    Maturity24 months
    Repayments6 months
      Still €11,740 needed, 47 days to go
      Choose amount
      Invest from €10
      Average investment
      Based on all Lendahand historical investments
      Complete funding
      Project will be fully funded

      The project

      Tolga runs a business in Mongolia specializing in ready-mix products for construction contractors and unique marble paint for building finishes. What sets his company apart is a machine that can create paint in any color—a significant advantage in the local construction industry, allowing for customized solutions.

      The establishment of his business was made possible by the support of GSB Capital, a microfinance institution. With his first loan, he purchased land to build a small factory and invested in raw materials to start production.

      Today, Tolga leads a team of six full-time employees who, through their work, are able to support their families. His company plays a crucial role in strengthening Mongolia's construction sector by creating jobs and contributing to the improvement of living standards.

      By investing in GSB Capital, you support the financing of 18 Mongolian entrepreneurs.


      What social return could your investment generate?

      In Mongolia, small and medium-sized enterprises face significant challenges due to stringent banking requirements and a lack of government support. This makes it difficult for entrepreneurs to grow and create jobs. At the same time, the country struggles with severe air pollution, particularly in Ulaanbaatar, where over 200,000 households burn coal to heat their homes. According to a 2019 study by the Asian Development Bank, approximately 80% of the air pollution in the capital is due to this practice.

      GSB Capital addresses these issues holistically. On one hand, it offers fast business loans to underserved SME entrepreneurs, enabling them to grow and contribute to the local economy. On the other hand, GSB Capital invests in a green loan program that promotes environmentally friendly heating alternatives, reducing reliance on coal and improving air quality. These initiatives not only foster economic growth but also make a significant contribution to a cleaner environment.


      What financial return could your investment generate? 

      • Annual interest rate of 6%. 
      • The maturity of the loan is 24 months. 
      • Your investment will be repaid in equal instalments, including the interest, every six months.
      • With an investment of 1,000 euros, your expected total repayment would be 1,075 euros.


      The story of GSB Capital

      Established in 2010, GSB Capital operates as a non-banking financial institution in Mongolia, providing loans through both conventional methods and an online platform. The institution offers trust services, investment guidance, and online financial transactions, all conducted under the supervision of the Financial Regulatory Commission of Mongolia. GSB Capital is committed to enhancing its operations while fostering sustainable growth within the community. It prioritises delivering accessible and secure financial services to its customers. 

      The spectrum of its loan services is broad and designed to accommodate small business entrepreneurs. GSB Capital is a strong financial pillar in Mongolia, dedicated to the financial well-being of entrepreneurs and contributing to the country's economic progress.


      GSB Capital in numbers

      • Founded in 2010 
      • 103 employees
      • GSB Capital is 100% owned by Shunkhlai Holding LLC
      • 99% of their activities take place in the capital Ulaanbaatar


      Company nameGSB Capital
      CEOChinbat Choijamts
      SectorFinancial services
      Credit scoreA


      GSB Capital has been pivotal in Mongolia's financial sector. The company's diverse loan services fill a critical gap in a country where financial accessibility is not the norm, especially for small business owners. Their focus on inclusivity is transformative in the Mongolian financial landscape, providing opportunities for economic stability and growth.

      GSB Capital's green loan programs directly tackle environmental concerns, notably the pressing issue of coal dependency in Mongolia, highlighting their active involvement in enhancing the country's environmental well-being. Additionally, their wide-ranging services, from auto financing to online loans, demonstrate their commitment to strengthening both the financial resilience and economic vitality across Mongolia.


      SDGs impacted

      With this project, you are contributing to the following SDGs:

      SDG 1 - No Poverty

      SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth

      Read more about the impact you can make through our platform and the SDGs on our impact page.


      Related blog posts

      Read the introduction of GSB Capital as a new investment opportunity here.

      We recently visited multiple SME entrepreneurs in Mongolia. Read the travelblog here.

      • With this investment 18 lives are improved

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      We have already contributed to GSB Capital 7

      Olaf Janssen
      Lot Hagenaars
      Dirk Van Ranst
      Jérome SERANT
      Marc Woltering
      + and another