funding gap emerging markets

Creze 20

  • Creze
  • Invest in microfinance
  • + 290 other investors
  • Invest in Creze and contribute to the growth of SMEs in Mexico, which are responsible for 60% of the country's employment. Your investment in this project provides financing to 10 SMEs.

    36 months
    1 months
    Maturity36 months
    Repayments1 months
      Still €20,100 needed, 58 days to go
      Choose amount
      Invest from €10
      Average investment
      Based on all Lendahand historical investments
      Complete funding
      Project will be fully funded

      The project

      SMEs are responsible for 60% of formal employment in Mexico. Creze is a Mexican fintech platform that provides financing to these businesses, supporting their growth and contributing to a stronger economy. Through a simple online application process, entrepreneurs can access flexible loans within 72 hours, with Creze focusing on cash flow rather than credit history. This enables these companies to grow and create new jobs.

      Creze on Lendahand

      • 20th project from Creze
      • 4.38 million euro funded by the Lendahand crowd
      • No payment delays: 1.95 million euro repaid on time

      What social impact could your investment generate?

      Since April 2021, Creze has provided over $68 million USD in loans, supporting hundreds of SMEs across Mexico. These funds help businesses expand and amplify their economic impact. One example is Koolteck, a company that supplies customized promotional products such as bags and electronics to help boost its clients’ brand visibility.

      Koolteck demonstrates how a Creze loan can have a significant impact on SMEs. Founded by Iñigo in 2016 with just a few thousand dollars in start-up capital, the company soon received a large order and needed extra working capital to meet the demand of major clients. Creze quickly provided a loan, approved within 24 hours. This financing allowed Koolteck to deliver on time, grow its customer base, and achieve double-digit growth year after year.

      Today, Koolteck employs 40 people, meaning 40 families now rely on stable work and income. The company continues to collaborate with Creze to support its ongoing growth. By investing in Creze, you contribute to the success of 10 businesses like Koolteck and help create jobs in Mexico.

      What financial return could your investment potentially generate?

      • Annual interest: 8%
      • Term: 36 months
      • Grace period: 18 months (meaning repayments begin after 18 months, but you will receive monthly interest payments starting from the first month).
      • Monthly repayments: After the 18-month grace period, you will begin receiving monthly repayments of both principal and interest. Until then, you’ll receive monthly interest only.
      • Please note, while you invest in EUR, the loan is in USD, which means there is a risk of exchange rate fluctuations between dollars and euros. For more information, visit our currency page.

      The story of Creze

      Since its founding, Creze has supported countless SMEs across Mexico by providing them with access to financing that is often hard to secure from traditional banks. Through a fully online application process, these businesses can get approved for working capital loans in just 24 to 72 hours.

      With a team of over 80 employees, Creze is dedicated to helping businesses throughout Mexico achieve their goals and drive economic growth.


      Company nameCreze
      CEOFederico Manzano Lopez
      LocationMexico City
      SectorWholesale / Retail
      Credit scoreA


      Mexico has 4 million SMEs, representing 60% of the formal productive employment in the country. Yet more than half of these SMEs don’t have access to the financing they need. Financial institutions like Creze help them overcome this hurdle by offering quick and flexible loan solutions through their digital lending platform.

      Even entrepreneurs who can’t present formal credit history are welcome to apply for a small loan. Creze’s goal is to leave no SME behind in the funding gap. They offer entrepreneurs a fully online and digital loan application process with 24-48 hour approval windows. Their working capital loans enable SMEs to create jobs, grow their businesses, thusly reducing poverty.


      SDGs impacted

      With this project you are contributing to the following Sustainable Development Goals:

      SDG 1 - No poverty

      SDG 8 - Decent work and economic growth

      Read more about the impact you can make through our platform and the SDGs on our impact page.


      Related blog posts

      Read the introduction of Creze as a new investment opportunity here.

      Meet entrepreneurs Dinora and Eduardo here and learn how they grow their businesses with a loan from Creze.

      Want to learn more about how financial inclusion can thrive entrepreneurship? Read here.

      • With this investment 10 jobs are created

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      We have already contributed to Creze 20

      Pieter van der Plas
      Jeroen Rust
      Carola Bieniek
      Marc Woltering
      Danny Honig
      + and another