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Validus 3

  • Validus
  • Invertir en microfinanzas
  • + otros 612 inversores
  • With a third loan contribution of EUR 250,000 to this project, new local partner Validus will provide financing to part of the 1,200 SME customers, who deliver products and goods for communities across Indonesia. **please note: this project contains an exchange rate risk EUR/USD)**

    12 meses
    6 meses
    Vencimiento12 meses
    Reembolsos6 meses
      Completamente financiado en 26 díasen 5 Septiembre 2022.
      Seleccionar importe
      Invertir desde $10
      Inversión media
      Basado en todas las inversiones históricas de Lendahand
      Financiación completa
      El proyecto se financiará por completo

      El proyecto


      Validus is Southeast Asia's largest SME financing platform for small businesses, individual and institutional investors. Using data analytics and AI to avail growth financing to underserved SMEs, Validus aims to drive inclusive growth for SMEs and economies in the ASEAN region. Validus is built using established, sophisticated and swift platforms to create a better financial experience. Better because it's branchless. Better because it's a transparent, two‐sided SME financing platform. And better because it's not focused on institutions but people.

      Founded in 2015 in Singapore, their first loan was disbursed to a small IT hardware supplier to Gardens by the Bay in Singapore. Today, they’re a team of over 250 strong, across four countries in ASEAN. They’re committed to driving financial inclusion for SMEs in the region, and their journey continues, onwards and upwards!


      Use of Proceeds / Loan purpose

      With a loan contribution to this project, Validus’ Indonesian subsidiary Batumbu will provide financing to an active community of over 1,200 SME distributors, who deliver essential products and goods for communities across Indonesia. Batumbu’s distributor financing partners operate across FMCG, Pharmaceutical and Manufacturing sectors, and 26 of 34 provinces in Indonesia. The delivery of these goods will enable access of both urban and rural households with essential products to their health and wellbeing, and further facilitates the jobs of over 500+ delivery partners facilitating the supply chains the loan will drive.

      Since Batumbu’s achievement of OJK registration in 2018 and full license thereafter, it has risen to #1 position in terms of monthly financing to SMEs in spite of its relatively newer entry to the market than its peers. Batumbu’s unique focus exclusively on the productive sector (SME and project-based financing as opposed to consumptive lending) has supported its journey to finance over S$950 million in loans to micro and small enterprises to date, within a partner and supply chain ecosystem that is over 90 corporations in strength.

      Validus and Batumbu partner with large corporates in the ASEAN region to finance their supplier and distributor transactions using data-driven underwriting methodologies. They leverage vast pools of live, alternative data including historical lending, contract, and purchasing information to allow them to offer financing to SMEs and micro enterprises traditionally underserved by the banks. Their extensive experience in this space has allowed them to offer a diverse range of short-term, unsecured financing products including accounts receivable financing (invoice financing), accounts payable financing, and working capital financing to SMEs. As a Group, they have financed over S$2 billion in loans to date, across four markets, and service a loan book of over S$170 million and 2,700+ active SME borrowers. 

      Upon successful delivery of this project, the loan will be repaid by the SME distributors, who have been onboarded through a supply chain financing program with the corporate partners of Batumbu who support the transaction through the provision of alternative data Batumbu leverages for underwriting, and payment security mechanisms to ensure the closed-loop nature of the financing.



      To uplift every life in a community that is a connected to an enterprise.

      Their guiding principle is that through SME lending and financial services, they will improve and uplift the lives of everyone who touches an SME - whether the owner, the employees and their daily job routines, their families, vendors, customers etc. Hence, Validus envisions building a truly digital SME community that they can make a significant impact on. As long as there is a business or an enterprise, whether run by a single individual or a hundred, Validus wants to make a direct impact on their lives and well-being.

      Validus pursues this mission while embodying the core Validus' values and bringing the same to the ecosystem we are building:

      1.        Fearless

      2.        Agile

      3.        Collaborative

      4.        Trust & Respect



      To be the most-loved, fully digital and credit-led Neobank, partnering over 100,000 micro & small enterprises in the ASEAN region.

      Nombre de la empresaValidus
      Director generalNikhilesh Goel
      SectorMayorista / Minorista
      Volumen de negocio$2,500,000
      Calificación de crédito2.84


      Validus aspira a mejorar la vida de todas las personas impactadas por las PYMES a las que sirven, incluidos sus clientes, empleados, familias de empleados, además de los propios propietarios de los negocios. Desde 2015, la plataforma de préstamos digitales ha financiado más de mil millones de dólares a pymes en Singapur, Indonesia y Vietnam. Los empresarios del sudeste asiático se enfrentan a un enorme déficit de financiación. Solo en Indonesia, las pymes necesitan alrededor de 160.000 millones de dólares para hacer crecer sus negocios. Al ofrecerles servicios financieros, Validus proporciona la financiación que tanto se necesita en la región y contribuye a la inclusión financiera en el sudeste asiático.

      Hasta el momento, las pymes que reciben financiación a través de Validus han aumentado en un 12% los puestos de trabajo creados. Los clientes respaldados por la financiación de Validus aumentaron sus ingresos en un promedio del 17 % en comparación con la tasa de crecimiento promedio de las pymes del 5 %.


      Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS)

      Invirtiendo en este Proyecto contribuirás a los siguientes Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible:

      ODS 1 – Fin de la pobreza

      ODS 8 – Trabajo decente y crecimiento económico

      Lee más acerca del impacto que puedes crear con Lendahand y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en nuestra página de Impacto.


      Publicaciones del blog relacionadas

      Conoce más acerca de Validus en el siguiente post del blog (en inglés).

      • Con esta inversión se crean 30 puestos de trabajo
      • Con esta inversión se mejoran 1200 vidas

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      Ya hemos invertido en Validus 3

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