funding gap emerging markets

Vodiy 3

  • Vodiy
  • Investire nella microfinanza
  • + 596 altri investitori
  • With financial support from Vodiy, Nurjan expanded his garment business by buying new sewing machines, hiring more workers, and purchasing a truck for market deliveries. Your investment in Vodiy supports 60 entrepreneurs like Nurjan, fostering economic stability in Uzbekistan.

    24 mesi
    6 mesi
    Maturità24 mesi
    Rimborsi6 mesi
      Completamente finanziato in 22 giorni su 29 Luglio 2024.

      Il progetto

      Please note: This project has a grace period. After 12 months, you will receive your first repayment of your investment, and thereafter, you will receive a repayment every 6 months.

      In Nurjan's garment business, we meet Aziza. Previously struggling to find steady work, Aziza is now a skilled seamstress in his workshop. This job provides her with a steady income, allowing her to support her family and improve her quality of life.

      Nurjan’s business expansion was made possible through financial support from Vodiy. With the funds, he bought new sewing machines, hired more workers like Aziza, and purchased a truck for market deliveries. This growth strengthened his business and created local employment opportunities.

      Your investment in Vodiy supports 60 entrepreneurs like Nurjan, fostering economic stability.


      What social return could your investment generate? 

      Investing in Vodiy enhances financial inclusion in Uzbekistan, where the poverty rate is 13.9% and unemployment is 8.1%. By expanding its loan portfolio and opening new branches, Vodiy improves access to financing for women and small-scale entrepreneurs. This fosters economic stability and community development, bridges the gender gap, and supports underserved populations, thereby improving Uzbekistan's socio-economic growth.


      What financial return could your investment generate?

      • The annual interest rate is 7,25%
      • The maturity of the loan is 24 months
      • Grace period: This project has a grace period. After 12 months, you will receive your first repayment of your investment, and thereafter, you will receive a repayment every 6 months.
      • With an investment of 1,000 euros, your expected total repayment would be 1,109 euros.
      • Please consider that although you invest in EUR, the loan is in USD, so there is a risk of exchange rate fluctuations between dollars and euros. For more information please visit our currency page.


      The story of Vodiy

      Vodiy was established in 2014 in the rural Buvayda district of Uzbekistan.Starting with assets of USD 1.0 million, the microfinance company has since grown exponentially, now holding USD 19.0 million in assets. The company operates five branches across different regions of Uzbekistan and currently employs a dedicated staff of 106 people. 

      With a mission to empower microentrepreneurs, Vodiy provides vital microfinance services to MSMEs with limited access to traditional banking. They envision a future of financial stability, extensive branch networks, and a strong corporate culture focused on environmental and social responsibility. Through collaboration with foreign partners, they strive to implement global best practices, fueling economic growth and creating opportunities for microentrepreneurs throughout Uzbekistan. 

      Vodiy in numbers

      • Founded in 2014
      • 5 branches across different regions of Uzbekistan
      • 106 employees
      • Over 60,829 loans issued
      • Microfinanced 12,180 borrowers, of whom 2,702 are female
      Nome della societàVodiy
      AMMINISTRATORE DELEGATOlsmailov Kodirjon
      PosizioneBuvayda District, Fergana Region
      SettoreServizi finanziari
      I dipendenti106
      Punteggio di creditoB+


      Vodiy è un'istituzione di microfinanza dell'Uzbekistan che si concentra sul raggiungimento di un significativo impatto sociale. I suoi principali beneficiari sono i clienti delle microimprese, tra cui donne imprenditrici, imprenditori individuali e artigiani che non dispongono di fonti di finanziamento alternative. Il loro obiettivo primario è colmare il divario e fornire un sostegno finanziario fondamentale alle micro, piccole e medie imprese (MSME) che hanno un accesso limitato ai servizi bancari tradizionali.

      L'accesso ai finanziamenti svolge un ruolo fondamentale nella lotta alla povertà. A beneficiarne non è solo l'imprenditore che riceve il prestito, ma anche tutti coloro che sono coinvolti nella sua attività, che sperimentano gli effetti positivi del sostegno finanziario. Con la crescita delle imprese, l'attività imprenditoriale fiorisce e si creano nuove opportunità di lavoro. Questo, a sua volta, riduce i tassi di emigrazione e consente agli individui di migliorare le proprie condizioni di vita.

      ODS impattato

      Con questo progetto contribuite al raggiungimento dei seguenti Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile:

      ODS 1 - Assenza di povertà

      ODS 8 - Lavoro dignitoso e crescita economica

      Per saperne di più sull'impatto che potete avere attraverso la nostra piattaforma e il sito ODS, visitate la nostra pagina sull'impatto.

      • Con questo investimento si migliorano le vite di 60

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      Abbiamo già contribuito a Vodiy 3

      Willem van Wingerden
      Menne Glas
      Guido van Velsen
      Piet van der Kooi
      Jan Okken
      + e un altro