funding gap emerging markets

Prayas 6

  • Milaap
  • Investir no microfinanciamento
  • + 68 outros investidores
  • With EUR 28,400 around 140 women can expand their business activities and increase the income of their family.

    24 meses
    6 meses
    Maturidade24 meses
    Reembolsos6 meses
      Totalmente financiado em 8 dias em 24 maio 2017.

      O projeto

      Jhabua in Madhya Pradesh is home to several tribal communities or locally known as ‘Adivasis'. Since time immemorial, Adivasis have been victims of abject poverty, with their livelihood depending solely on agriculture and allied activities. And yet, a lot of these communities had to bear the brunt of the construction of the Sardar Sarovar Dam, leaving them displaced and deprived of their means of livelihood, which continues to be mainly Agriculture even today. With one of the lowest literacy rates in the country, most children study till middle-school level here. In the district, 15-20 villages often have one common school. 

      Households in these villages have an average size of 5, sustaining on a meagre average monthly income of $95. In addition to farming, women of the community are engaged in tailoring, accessory making and petty shop businesses. The Adivasis sell a considerable amount of the local produce in ‘haats’ or local bazars including jowar, bajra, maize, sesame, groundnut, onions and potatoes as well as jewellery, hair accessories etc. The men most often migrate to nearby towns for better job opportunities- often an unhappy transition. Mobile networks are scarce in these villages and phones are mainly bought to keep in touch with family members who have migrated to other areas for work. 

      Being remotely located, water, electricity and transportation problems plague the inhabitants. However, even in the face of such issues, these Adivasis are unrelenting and seek to change the narrative of gloom which surrounds the community. The resolute women want to start or expand their business in the hope of a better future.

      Nome da empresaMilaap
      DIRECTOR EXECUTIVOBhadresh Rawal
      SectorServiços financeiros
      Volume de negócios€408,801.33


      Milaap é a maior plataforma crowdfunding na Índia, permitindo histórias de esperança, coragem e mudança. Prestam serviços de crédito aos pobres e excluídos para os ajudar a sair da pobreza.

      Milaap A empresa tem parcerias com uma série de parceiros no terreno dignos de crédito que têm uma forte missão social. Concedem empréstimos para projectos de energia, acesso à água, cadeias de abastecimento de artesanato e muito mais, sobretudo em zonas rurais. Muitos dos seus projectos capacitam mulheres empresárias, fornecendo sobretudo capital de exploração a mulheres com uma empresa de tecelagem, pequenas lojas ou artesanato.

      ODSimpacto do projeto

      Com este projeto, está a contribuir para os seguintes Objectivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável:

      ODS 1. Erradicação da pobreza

      ODS 3. Boa saúde e bem-estar

      ODS 5. igualdade de género

      ODS 6. Água potável e saneamento básico

      ODS 8. Trabalho digno e crescimento económico

      ODS 10. Redução das desigualdades

      Leia mais sobre o impacto que pode causar através da nossa plataforma e de ODS na nossa página de impacto.

      • Com este investimento são criados 12 postos de trabalho
      • Com este investimento 48 vidas são melhoradas

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      Já contribuímos para Prayas 6

      Bastiaan Kommers
      Gerard de Jong
      Rinus Knuit
      Onno Oostveen
      Edwin Tofield
      + e outro