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U&I Microfinance 11

  • U&I Microfinance
  • Invester i mikrofinansiering
  • + 401 andre investorer
  • Theresia sells legumes and cereals in her store in Thika, Kenya. She provides her community with healthy food and creates jobs by purchasing directly from local farmers. Investing in U&I gives 24 female entrepreneurs like Theresia access to financing and a more stable income.

    36 måneder
    6 måneder
    Modenhed36 måneder
    Tilbagebetalinger6 måneder
      Fuldt finansieret på 13 dage på 8 Juli 2024.


      A few years ago, Theresia noticed that no stores in her area sold seeds and grains, despite high demand. Confident in her business plan, she started her grain and seed store in Thika, Kenya. She sells rice, beans, peas, chickpeas, and sorghum, all sourced directly from local farmers. This way, she provides her community with healthy food and supports local agriculture. Thanks to Theresia, local farmers now have a steady source of income, which improves their overall quality of life.

      Theresia needed financing to expand her business and decided to apply for a loan from U&I Microfinance due to its simple process, affordable interest rates, and good customer service. With this financing, Theresia was able to expand her store and product range, save more money, and attract larger customers, such as hospitality businesses.

      Your investment in U&I Microfinance gives 24 female entrepreneurs like Theresia access to essential financing. This allows them to grow their businesses and build a more stable income for their families.


      What social return could your investment generate? 

      Cultural norms often limit Kenyan women's economic activities. They have limited access to education and formal jobs, leading many into low-paid informal sectors. U&I Microfinance Bank addresses these challenges by providing financial solutions tailored to these women's situations. By investing in U&I, you support not only financial inclusion and equality but also help women and youth whom traditional banks often overlook.


      What financial return could your investment generate? 

      • Annual interest rate: 7%.
      • The loan term is 36 months.
      • The investment is repaid in six equal installments every six months over a period of 36 months. Interest is also paid out every six months.
      • With an investment of 1,000 euros, the expected total repayment is 1,123 euros.


      The story of U&I Microfinance

      Since its inception in 2007, U&I Microfinance Bank has focused on improving marginalized groups' access to credit. In 2013, U&I Microfinance Bank received a license from the Central Bank of Kenya to operate as a savings and loan institution. Four years later, in 2017, they received a national license, allowing them to grow from a local to a nationwide microfinance institution. Now, with branches in Nairobi, Kiambu, and Machakos, U&I continues its mission to change lives through financial services, focusing on women and youth.


      U&I in numbers

      • Founded in 2007 as a microfinance institution.
      • Operates through five  branches in Nairobi, Kiambu, Machakos, and Ruiru.
      • 63 employees.
      • Winner of the Overall Best Microfinance Banking Award in Kenya in 2024.
      Virksomhedens navnU&I Microfinance
      SektorEngroshandel / detailhandel


      U&I Microfinance Bank støtter en bred vifte af iværksættere, både formelle og uformelle, inden for forskellige sektorer i Kenya. U&I fokuserer på at hjælpe kvindelige iværksættere og unge fagfolk inden for landbruget i landområderne. Deres lån giver mulighed for jobskabelse, arbejdskapital og arbejdsmateriale til undervurderede SMV'er, hvilket giver bedre leve- og arbejdsvilkår i lokalsamfundene.

      VM Påvirket

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      VM 1 - Ingen fattigdom

      VM 5 - Ligestilling mellem kønnene

      VM 8 - Anstændigt arbejde og økonomisk vækst

      VM 10 - Reduceret ulighed

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