funding gap emerging markets

Entrepreneur Financial Centre 22

  • EFC Uganda
  • Invester i mikrofinansiering
  • + 439 andre investorer
  • With this investment of EUR 150,000 around 10 chicken farmers (united in an association) can receive a loan so they will be able to increase production by applying modern farming procedures and build better facilities. On the picture 2 Lendahand employees that recently visited EFC.

    24 måneder
    6 måneder
    Modenhed24 måneder
    Tilbagebetalinger6 måneder
      Fuldt finansieret på 23 timer på 16 November 2021.


      EFC Uganda Limited (MDI) is a licensed Microfinance Deposit-taking Institution in Uganda. It was created in 2011 by Développement Desjardins International to provide access to financial services for the underserved SME market segment. The company operates in Kampala with a head office, two branches and five business service centers. EFC Uganda is supervised by the Bank of Uganda and has several reputable shareholders. 

      Shem Kakembo is the Managing Director since early 2018. Prior to joining EFC Uganda, Shem worked in leading management positions in financial industry in Uganda and Rwanda since 2003. His latest apointment prior to joining was as Head of Personal Markets (Retail) at Stanbic Bank (Uganda’s largest bank). 

      Information document of the issuing company EFC (NL)

      Information note of the issuing company EFC (BE)

      Loan Purpose

      With this investment of EUR 150,000 around 10 chicken farmers can receive a loan so they will be able to increase production by applying modern farming procedures and build better facilities.



      To bring changes in the lives of the poor agriculture-based peoples like poultry farmers through their sustainable livelihood development and improvement of lifestyle.



      Indirect benefit to the livelihoods of Ugandan small holder farmers & their families:

      • Farmers benefit from training and market offered by the Association which contributes to poverty reduction.
      • Farmers will enhance on their income to feed and educate their children
      • Farmers have greatly improved their livelihood through engaging more in commercial farming compared to as it was in the past where farmers were majorly on subsistence farming
      Virksomhedens navnEFC Uganda
      BeliggenhedKampala Uganda


      Entrepreneur Financial Centre (EFC) støtter en lang række iværksættere og landbrugskooperativer inden for forskellige sektorer i Uganda. Deres lån muliggør jobskabelse, arbejdskapital og arbejdsmateriale til underforsynede SMV'er, hvilket giver bedre leve- og arbejdsvilkår i lokalsamfundene. I Uganda er der stor efterspørgsel efter kapital, der kan bidrage til organisatoriske forbedringer og økonomisk vækst og hjælpe landet med at nå sit fulde økonomiske potentiale.

      VM påvirket

      Med dette projekt bidrager du til følgende mål for bæredygtig udvikling:

      VM 1 - Ingen fattigdom

      VM 8 - Anstændigt arbejde og økonomisk vækst

      VM 10 - Reduceret ulighed

      Læs mere om den indflydelse, du kan få via vores platform og VM på vores side om indflydelse.

      • Med denne investering skabes 10 jobs
      • Med denne investering forbedres 35 liv

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