funding gap emerging markets

Lima Coffee 5

  • Lima Coffee
  • Investeeri ettevõttesse
  • + 314 teised investorid
  • Lima Coffee, an association of coffee farmers in Peru, seeks a final loan as the harvest season ends. Your investment offers income stability for Elvis and 32 other coffee farmers. Together, they promote sustainable, high-quality coffee, and their income leads to an improved living standard. *EUR/USD exchange rate risk*

    9 kuud
    9 kuud
    Küpsus9 kuud
    Tagasimaksed9 kuud
      Täielikult rahastatud 8 päeva jooksul aadressil 15 August 2023.


      Note: Full repayment, including interest, will take place after 9 months.

      Lima Coffee is a Peruvian association of coffee producers with over 800 members in the provinces Jaén and San Ignacio.

      The work of Lima Coffee focuses on acquiring coffee from its producers and selling it at competitive prices, intending to promote sustainable, high-quality coffee and improve the quality of life for all the farmers and their families. As the coffee harvesting season is almost ending, they seek a last loan from Lendahand crowd investors. Besides promoting coffee, they also provide technical assistance to help farmers improve their crops to offer a more sustainable and higher-quality product.

      One of their members is coffee farmer Elvis. Together with Lima Coffee, Elvis can distribute his products more easily, at a competitive price, and receive training to improve the quality of his crops.



      What social return could your investment generate? 

      This loan enables Lima Coffee to purchase up to 456 coffee quintals (100 lbs) from Elvis and 32 other coffee producers at competitive market prices. Lima Coffee will offer fair prices to their farmers. Besides this, exporting their coffee (up to 6 containers) to different clients in the United States and Europe gives them visibility abroad.


      What financial return could your investment generate? 

      • An annual interest rate of 6.5%
      • Bullet loan type. This means you will receive the total amount of your investment plus the interest generated at the end of the maturity period.
      • The maximum maturity of the loan is 9 months. This means that you will receive the total amount of your loan plus the interest generated at the end of the period, within a maximum period of 9 months. However, please note that Lima Coffee is obliged to repay the loan when they receive payment from their clients. This could happen before 9 months.
      • Note that you are investing in dollars (USD), so there is a risk of exchange rate fluctuations between dollars and euros. For more information on potential exchange rate risks, please visit our currency page.


      The story of Lima Coffee

      In 2016, a group of young coffee producers from the San José de Lourdes district in the Cajamarca region of Peru founded the Lima Coffee Agricultural Producers Association (Lima Coffee). They started working in high-altitude areas (with heights above a thousand meters) where coffee is grown, together with 300 producers.

      Once operational, Lima Coffee contacted clients in the United States and Europe and proposed the concept of specialty coffees. In the first year, they exported a small batch, which allowed them to compete with other organisations.

      Lima Coffee is now a solid organisation with over 800 associated producers. They have a significant export volume, clients in the United States, Europe, and Asia, and a professionally trained team to produce high-quality coffee with sustainability standards. They have received several awards and recognition for their coffee at different levels.

      Ettevõtte nimiLima Coffee
      TEGEVJUHTFiladelfo Cordova Mejia


      Lima Coffee missioon ja eesmärk on toota kvaliteetset kohvi, säilitades samal ajal keskkonda ja tagades eelkõige kõigi seotud tootjate ja nende perekondade heaolu.

      Sotsiaalne mõju

      Lima Coffee alustas tegevust 2016. aastal 300 kohvitootjaga, kellest 40 olid naised. Tänaseks on neil üle 800 taluniku ja naiste arv on kolmekordistunud.

      Aastate jooksul on Lima Coffee pühendunud nende põllumajandustootjate kogukonna elukvaliteedi parandamisele, kellega nad koos töötavad. Oluline osa selle saavutamisel on konkurentsivõimeliste hindade pakkumine (kõrgemad kui turuhinnad), kuid ka tehnilise abi pakkumine põllumajandustootjatele, et nad saaksid igal aastal oma saaki parandada. Praegu on nende põllukultuuride füüsiline saagikus kasvanud 4% võrra, ulatudes 76%ni.

      Infrastruktuuri osas on Lima Coffee aidanud kaasa oma tootjate maade parandamisele. See on saavutatud päikesepaneelide, pulprite ja materjalide jagamise kaudu, mis aitavad parandada koristusjärgset majandamist, et saada paremat kohvi, optimeerida kulusid ning maksimeerida saagikoristuse kasu ja aega.


      Kuid Lima Coffee eesmärk ei ole mitte ainult parandada oma põllumajandustootjate elu, vaid teha seda jätkusuutlikult ja keskkonnahoidlikke tavasid järgides. Selle saavutamiseks on ettevõte saanud Rainforest Alliance'i märgise, mis on jätkusuutlik sertifitseerimisprogramm, mis tagab, et tooted on toodetud kooskõlas põllumajanduslike, keskkonnaalaste ja sotsiaalsete nõuetega.

      Lima Coffee lugu peegeldab kohvikasvatuse tähtsust tuhandetele Peruu tootjaperedele ning suurt potentsiaali, mis sellel on ettevõtlusena vastutustundlike ettevõtete, ühistute ja ühenduste loomiseks. Oma heade tavade tulemusena soodustab Lima Coffee ümbritseva kogukonna arengut, luues rohkem töökohti, parandades elutingimusi, kõrvaldades soolisi erinevusi, pakkudes oma liikmetele koolitust ja austades keskkonda.

      SKT mõjutatud

      Selle projektiga aitate kaasa järgmiste säästva arengu eesmärkide saavutamisele:

      SKT 1 - vaesuse kaotamine

      SKT 8 - inimväärne töö ja majanduskasv

      Loe lähemalt mõju kohta, mida saad meie platvormi ja SKT kaudu avaldada , meie mõju leheküljelt.

      • Selle investeeringuga luuakse 7 töökohti
      • Selle investeeringuga parandatakse 160 elu

      Vabandust! Selle lehekülje vaatamiseks peate olema sisse logitud.

      Vabandust! Selle lehekülje vaatamiseks peate olema sisse logitud.

      Vabandust! Selle lehekülje vaatamiseks peate olema sisse logitud.

      Vabandust! Selle lehekülje vaatamiseks peate olema sisse logitud.

      Vabandust! Selle lehekülje vaatamiseks peate olema sisse logitud.

      Me oleme juba aidanud kaasa Lima Coffee 5

      Han de Haas
      Bianca de Bree
      Martin Aart de Jong
      Jérome SERANT
      Hajé van Egmond
      + ja teine