funding gap emerging markets

Lima Coffee 5

  • Lima Coffee
  • Fjárfestu í fyrirtæki
  • + 314 aðrir fjárfestar
  • Lima Coffee, an association of coffee farmers in Peru, seeks a final loan as the harvest season ends. Your investment offers income stability for Elvis and 32 other coffee farmers. Together, they promote sustainable, high-quality coffee, and their income leads to an improved living standard. *EUR/USD exchange rate risk*

    9 mánuðir
    9 mánuðir
    Gjaldagi9 mánuðir
    Endurgreiðslur9 mánuðir
      Fullfjármagnað á 8 dögumá 15 August 2023.


      Note: Full repayment, including interest, will take place after 9 months.

      Lima Coffee is a Peruvian association of coffee producers with over 800 members in the provinces Jaén and San Ignacio.

      The work of Lima Coffee focuses on acquiring coffee from its producers and selling it at competitive prices, intending to promote sustainable, high-quality coffee and improve the quality of life for all the farmers and their families. As the coffee harvesting season is almost ending, they seek a last loan from Lendahand crowd investors. Besides promoting coffee, they also provide technical assistance to help farmers improve their crops to offer a more sustainable and higher-quality product.

      One of their members is coffee farmer Elvis. Together with Lima Coffee, Elvis can distribute his products more easily, at a competitive price, and receive training to improve the quality of his crops.



      What social return could your investment generate? 

      This loan enables Lima Coffee to purchase up to 456 coffee quintals (100 lbs) from Elvis and 32 other coffee producers at competitive market prices. Lima Coffee will offer fair prices to their farmers. Besides this, exporting their coffee (up to 6 containers) to different clients in the United States and Europe gives them visibility abroad.


      What financial return could your investment generate? 

      • An annual interest rate of 6.5%
      • Bullet loan type. This means you will receive the total amount of your investment plus the interest generated at the end of the maturity period.
      • The maximum maturity of the loan is 9 months. This means that you will receive the total amount of your loan plus the interest generated at the end of the period, within a maximum period of 9 months. However, please note that Lima Coffee is obliged to repay the loan when they receive payment from their clients. This could happen before 9 months.
      • Note that you are investing in dollars (USD), so there is a risk of exchange rate fluctuations between dollars and euros. For more information on potential exchange rate risks, please visit our currency page.


      The story of Lima Coffee

      In 2016, a group of young coffee producers from the San José de Lourdes district in the Cajamarca region of Peru founded the Lima Coffee Agricultural Producers Association (Lima Coffee). They started working in high-altitude areas (with heights above a thousand meters) where coffee is grown, together with 300 producers.

      Once operational, Lima Coffee contacted clients in the United States and Europe and proposed the concept of specialty coffees. In the first year, they exported a small batch, which allowed them to compete with other organisations.

      Lima Coffee is now a solid organisation with over 800 associated producers. They have a significant export volume, clients in the United States, Europe, and Asia, and a professionally trained team to produce high-quality coffee with sustainability standards. They have received several awards and recognition for their coffee at different levels.

      FyrirtækjanafnLima Coffee
      For the term "CEO," the appropriate translation in Icelandic is "forstjóri."Filadelfo Cordova Mejia


      The mission and purpose of Lima Coffee is to produce high-quality coffee while preserving the environment, and, above all, ensuring the well-being of all associated producers and their families.


      Social Impact

      Lima Coffee began operating in 2016 with 300 coffee producers, 40 of whom were women. Today, they have over 800 farmers, and the number of women has tripled.

      Over the years, Lima Coffee has been committed to improving the quality of life of the farming community they work with. A crucial part of achieving this is offering competitive prices (higher than market prices), but also providing technical support to farmers to improve their crops each year. Currently, the physical yield of their crops has increased by 4% to reach 76%.

      In terms of infrastructure, Lima Coffee has contributed to improving the lands of its producers. This has been achieved through the distribution of solar tents, pulpers, and materials that help improve post-harvest management to obtain better coffee, optimizing costs and maximizing harvest benefits and time.

      Environmental Impact

      However, Lima Coffee's mission is not only to improve the lives of its farmers but to do so sustainably and with environmentally respectful practices. To accomplish this, the company obtained the Rainforest Alliance label, a sustainable certification program that ensures products have been produced in compliance with agricultural, environmental, and social requirements.

      The story of Lima Coffee reflects the importance of coffee cultivation for thousands of producing families in Peru and the great potential it has as a business for the formation of responsible companies, cooperatives, and associations. As a result of its good practices, Lima Coffee drives the development of the surrounding community, creating more job opportunities, improving living conditions, closing gender gaps, providing training to its members, and respecting the environment.


      SDGs impacted

      With this project, you are contributing to the following Sustainable Development Goals:


      SDG 1 - No poverty

      SDG 8 - Decent work and economic growth


      Read more about the impact you can make through our platform and the SDGs on our impact page.

      • Með þessari fjárfestingu eru 7 störf sköpuð
      • Með þessari fjárfestingu batnar líf 160 einstaklinga

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      Því miður! Þú verður að vera innskráður til að skoða þessa síðu.

      Við höfum þegar lagt okkar af mörkum til Lima Coffee 5

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