funding gap emerging markets

Validus 16

  • Validus
  • Investire nella microfinanza
  • + 237 altri investitori
  • Your investment in Validus supports 268 small entrepreneurs in Indonesia, giving them access to working capital and economic stability. This enables them to grow their businesses, create jobs, and make essential products more accessible in their communities.

    12 mesi
    6 mesi
    Maturità12 mesi
    Rimborsi6 mesi
      Completamente finanziato in 9 giorni su 6 Giugno 2024.

      Il progetto

      Please note: 1st and only notional payment after 12 months. Interest payment after 6 and 12 months. 

      Julius started as a grocer and over the years built a small distribution company in East Java. In the rural areas of Indonesia, it is often difficult to find a job. Many people lack access to stable employment and essential goods. Julius' company plays an important role in improving this situation.

      His distribution company received a bank guarantee from Validus, which was crucial as it allowed him to borrow money without collateral. With this financing, Julius was able to expand his business, hire more staff, and improve the distribution of goods. The company primarily supplies wholesalers and employs 100 people in the distribution center. Additionally, the company provides jobs for delivery personnel who use scooters and trucks. In total, around 350 people work for Julius' distribution company. This means that hundreds of families now have a stable income and access to basic necessities like rice and sugar.

      With your investment in Validus, 268 entrepreneurs in Indonesia, like Julius, can expand their small businesses and improve the quality of life in their communities.


      What social impact does your investment have?

      Validus provides microloans to more than 268 small and medium-sized enterprises in 26 different provinces in Indonesia. Many of these companies operate in the distribution sector and specialize in consumer goods, pharmaceuticals, and other industrial products. This makes medicines and consumer products more accessible to people in both urban and rural areas.

      Validus plays an important role in this development by establishing distribution networks that support more than 500 suppliers. This stimulates the local economy and promotes employment. Entrepreneurs who borrow through Validus have increased their workforce by an average of 12% and their revenues by an average of 17%, a rate higher than the average growth of 5% for SMEs.


      What financial return could your investment generate? 

      • Annual interest rate 6%.
      • The maturity of the loan is 12 months.
      • Bullet loan: the first and only repayment of your investment will be made after 12 months. Interest payments happen after 6 months and 12 months. 
      • With an investment of 1,000 euros, your expected total repayment would be 1,060 euros.
      • Please consider that although you invest in EUR, the loan is in USD, so there is a risk of exchange rate fluctuations between dollars and euros. For more information on potential exchange rate risks, please visit our currency page.


      The story of Validus

      Validus is a digital lending platform that has been registered with OJK* since 2018 and holds a full license. The platform quickly and efficiently provides online credit to SMEs without the need for physical bank visits. Validus focuses on the distribution sector and has facilitated over $950 million in loans for micro and small businesses in the ASEAN region to date.

      The platform uses large amounts of data to provide financing to companies that cannot obtain traditional bank loans. Validus manages a loan portfolio of more than $170 million and has over 2,700 active SME borrowers.

      *OJK is an independent institution that regulates and oversees the financial services sector in Indonesia.


      Nome della societàValidus
      SettoreDistribuzione e lavorazione
      I dipendenti297
      Punteggio di creditoB+


      Validus aspira a migliorare la vita di tutte le persone coinvolte nelle PMI che serve, compresi i clienti, i dipendenti, le famiglie dei dipendenti, per non parlare degli stessi proprietari delle imprese. Dal 2015, la piattaforma di prestiti digitali ha finanziato oltre 1 miliardo di dollari alle PMI di Singapore, Indonesia e Vietnam. Gli imprenditori del sud-est asiatico devono far fronte a un'enorme carenza di finanziamenti. Solo in Indonesia, le PMI sono alla ricerca di 160 miliardi di dollari per poter far crescere le proprie attività. Offrendo loro servizi finanziari, Validus fornisce i finanziamenti necessari nella regione e contribuisce all'inclusione finanziaria nel Sud-est asiatico.

      Finora, le PMI che hanno ricevuto finanziamenti attraverso Validus sono state in grado di far crescere il numero di posti di lavoro del 12% in media. I clienti supportati dai finanziamenti di Validus hanno aumentato i loro ricavi in media del 17%, rispetto al tasso di crescita medio delle PMI del 5%.

      ODS impattato

      Con questo progetto contribuite al raggiungimento dei seguenti Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile:

      ODS 1 - Assenza di povertà

      ODS 8 - Lavoro dignitoso e crescita economica

      Per saperne di più sull'impatto che potete avere attraverso la nostra piattaforma e il sito ODS, visitate la nostra pagina sull'impatto.

      Articoli del blog correlati

      Per saperne di più su Validus, visitate il post introduttivo del blog.

      • Con questo investimento vengono creati 6 posti di lavoro
      • Con questo investimento si migliorano le vite di 265

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      Abbiamo già contribuito a Validus 16

      Lars Groenewegen
      Richard Lispet
      Frits van der Kooij
      rits dijkstra
      Olaf Janssen
      + e un altro