funding gap emerging markets

Bailyk 7

  • Bailyk
  • Investire nella microfinanza
  • + 618 altri investitori
  • Meet Aida and her husband Saiitpek. Together, they run a small animal and crop farm. Due to drought, they struggled to have enough food to feed their animals. With financial support from Bailyk, they were able to improve their situation. Your investment in Bailyk provides loans to 300 entrepreneurs like Aida, helping them sustain their livelihoods.

    24 mesi
    6 mesi
    Maturità24 mesi
    Rimborsi6 mesi
      Completamente finanziato in 22 giorni su 29 Giugno 2024.

      Il progetto

      Life on farms in Kyrgyzstan is heavily dependent on the climate. Due to climate change, the country experiences very dry summers, which has serious consequences for agriculture. Aida and her husband Saiitpek have experienced this firsthand. The drought caused the grass to wither, preventing them from harvesting enough hay. As a result, animal feed became so expensive that they had to sell some of their dairy cows and sheep, which directly reduced their income.

      Fortunately, they were able to get a loan from Bailyk Finance. With this loan, they could buy two cows and a ram and restore the grass, allowing them to harvest enough hay to feed their animals again. Thanks to these investments, Aida was able to build a strong herd. Now that her farm is running well again, she earns enough money to live without constant worries.

      With your investment in Bailyk Finance, 300 female entrepreneurs will receive the funding they need to improve their quality of life.

      How does Aida run a small farm in rural Kyrgyzstan?


      What social impact does your investment make?

      Kyrgyzstan ranks high among countries with a large percentage of people living below the poverty line. As much as 32% of the population, which is about 2 million people, survives on less than €1.60 per day.

      Bailyk Finance is a microfinance institution owned and led by women. This organization focuses on improving the position of women by providing them with training in financial literacy and entrepreneurial skills, as well as financial assistance. About 58% of Bailyk's clients are female entrepreneurs. These women receive working capital to grow their businesses and support their families, contributing to gender equality and economic stability.

      Bailyk also targets people with low incomes who do not have access to traditional banks. With 51 branches spread across the country, Bailyk makes its services accessible to clients in remote areas, giving them economic opportunities that would otherwise be out of reach.


      What financial return could your investment generate? 

      • Annual interest rate of 6%. 
      • The maturity of the loan is 24 months. 
      • With an investment of 1,000 euros, your expected repayment would be 1,075 euros
      • Please consider that although you invest in EUR, the loan is in USD, so there is a risk of exchange rate fluctuations between dollars and euros. For more information, please visit our currency page


      The story of Bailyk Finance

      Bailyk Finance is a microfinance institution in Kyrgyzstan with over 57,000 active clients and 51 offices spread across the country. The organization focuses on improving the quality of life of people in villages and small towns by providing affordable financial solutions. Bailyk Finance's loan portfolio grew by 2% compared to the end of 2023. The company's total capital in the first quarter of 2024 is approximately $9.2 million.

      Bailyk Finance employs more than 500 people. The company offers its employees training, career development opportunities, competitive salaries, and both material and non-material support, such as health check-ups and sports events.

      Bailyk in Numbers

      • Founded in 2011
      • 51 offices across all regions of Kyrgyzstan
      • 58% of their borrowers are female
      • Third-largest microfinance institution in Kyrgyzstan
      Nome della societàBailyk
      AMMINISTRATORE DELEGATOChinara Moldazhanova
      I dipendenti388
      Punteggio di creditoA+


      Bailyk è un'istituzione di microfinanza guidata da donne in Kirghizistan, dedicata a migliorare l'accesso ai finanziamenti per gli imprenditori e le famiglie delle aree rurali del Paese. Il 58% dei loro mutuatari sono donne alla ricerca di capitale circolante per espandere la propria attività e migliorare la casa di famiglia.

      L'accesso ai finanziamenti è uno strumento efficace contro la povertà. Aumenta l'attività imprenditoriale, con conseguente creazione di posti di lavoro, diminuzione dell'emigrazione e miglioramento delle condizioni di vita.

      ODS impattato

      Con questo progetto contribuite al raggiungimento dei seguenti Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile:

      ODS 1 - No alla povertà

      ODS 8 - Lavoro dignitoso e crescita economica

      Per saperne di più sull'impatto che potete avere attraverso la nostra piattaforma e il sito ODS, visitate la nostra pagina sull'impatto.

      Messaggi del blog correlati

      • Leggete qui l'introduzione di Bailyk come nuova opportunità di investimento .
      • Per saperne di più sul Kirghizistan come mercato emergente, leggi qui.
      • Volete saperne di più su come l'inclusione finanziaria può favorire l'imprenditorialità? Leggete qui.
      • Volete sapere quali altre istituzioni di microfinanza abbiamo in portafoglio? Scopritele qui.
      • Con questo investimento si migliorano le vite di 300

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      Abbiamo già contribuito a Bailyk 7

      Jérome SERANT
      Jeroen Rust
      Madelien van Manen
      Dirk Rentmeester
      Jan Okken
      + e un altro