funding gap emerging markets

Funding Societies 24

  • Funding Societies
  • Investir no microfinanciamento
  • + 725 outros investidores
  • The female entrepreneur central to this project leads a successful workshop in Ho Chi Minh City. Her company crafts clothes to sell on local markets. A loan from Funding Societies helped her invest in and expand her business while securing materials. Will you encourage 51 other local entrepreneurs like her with an investment?

    18 meses
    6 meses
    Maturidade18 meses
    Reembolsos6 meses
      Totalmente financiado em 9 dias em 22 setembro 2023.

      O projeto

      Located in the Binh Chanh district of Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam, a hardworking woman runs her workshop with around twenty employees, primarily women. A well-planned loan helps this workshop run smoothly, allowing the owner to buy the necessary materials to prepare customer orders. The financing facilitates business growth and helps secure jobs, contributing to a steady local economy.

      Vietnam's economy is on a path toward stability and gradual growth; however, access to bank funding is limited. This mainly affects small business owners who struggle with challenges such as strict rules, lack of funds, and outdated technology. Small business owners can overcome these challenges with a short-term loan from Funding Societies. Access to financing can create lasting, positive change for the more than 800,000 SMEs in the country.


      What social return could your investment generate? 

      Your investment enables Funding Societies to give out micro-loans to 51 e-commerce, agriculture, and wholesale business owners in Vietnam. The activities of the digital lending platform contribute to financial inclusion in Southeast Asia. Microloans offer a pathway to local economic stability and the empowerment of women. 

      The loans allow hardworking entrepreneurs to acquire necessary materials, pay their workers, and maintain customer flexibility. Together with Funding Societies, you will enable SMEs to operate efficiently and maintain stable employment. 


      What financial return could your investment generate? 

      • An annual interest rate of 6%
      • The maturity of the loan is 18 months
      • Your investment will be repaid in equal instalments, along with interest, every six months.
      • Currency: EUR


      The story of Funding Societies

      Funding Societies specialise in facilitating financial access to underserved small and medium business owners across Southeast Asia. While their primary operations are in Indonesia, they recently broadened their activities to Vietnam. In the past five years, it has financed over 815 million euros through 3 million+ business loans, engaging over 250,000 registered investors. Its mission centres around bridging the region's $320 billion SME funding gap by bringing together SMEs and investors. By fostering financial inclusion, Funding Societies aim to stimulate economic growth and prosperity.

      Moreover, Funding Societies believe in the principle that 'Stronger SMEs create Stronger Societies'. Its business model contributes directly to this vision by enabling SMEs to become key drivers of economic growth and job creation. By extending its services to countries like Vietnam, Funding Societies hopes to considerably impact the regional economy, promote financial inclusivity, and enhance local well-being. 

      By investing in Funding Societies you are not just investing in a financial platform; you are directly contributing to the growth of societies and economies across Southeast Asia.


      Funding Societies in numbers

      • Founded in 2015 with headquarter in Singapore
      • 600+ employees
      • Financed > €3 billion in loans
      • Disbursed > 80,000 SME loans
      • Active in 5 markets across Southeast Asia: Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore
      Nome da empresaFunding Societies
      Volume de negócios€9,200,000
      Pontuação de créditoB+


      As PME representam cerca de 60% do PIB do Sudeste Asiático e são responsáveis pela maior parte dos postos de trabalho, mas enfrentam um défice de financiamento de 320 mil milhões de dólares. O Funding Societies interveio para colmatar este défice, financiando mais de 815 milhões de euros através de mais de 3 milhões de empréstimos às empresas nos últimos cinco anos. A sua atividade centra-se no crédito a curto prazo, normalmente a menos de 12 meses, adaptado às necessidades das PME.

      O impacto dos seus empréstimos é significativo. Cerca de 76% das PME utilizam os seus empréstimos para fundo de maneio. Muitas reconhecem que este financiamento foi essencial para manter as suas empresas abertas e a sua força de trabalho. Além disso, o Funding Societies promove a emancipação económica das mulheres, apoiando as mulheres empresárias, que representam 24% dos seus mutuários.

      Investir em Funding Societies em Lendahand promove a inclusão financeira e a mobilidade social no Sudeste Asiático, mais especificamente na Indonésia e no Vietname. Com Funding Societies, pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento regional e fazer uma verdadeira diferença na vida das pessoas.

      ODS afectadas

      Com este projeto, está a contribuir para os seguintes Objectivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável:

      ODS 1 - Erradicação da pobreza

      ODS 8 - Trabalho digno e crescimento económico

      Leia mais sobre o impacto que pode causar através da nossa plataforma e de ODS na nossa página de impacto.

      Publicações no blogue relacionadas

      Leia a introdução de Funding Societies como uma oportunidade de investimento aqui.

      Quer saber mais sobre Funding Societies? Leia a nossa entrevista por correio eletrónico com o CEO Kelvin Teo aqui.

      Curioso sobre o impacto que Funding Societies e Lendahand criam juntos? Veja a nossa entrevista com o COO e gestor de impacto da Funding Societies, Vikas, aqui.

      • Com este investimento são criados 51 postos de trabalho
      • Com este investimento 227 vidas são melhoradas

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      Já contribuímos para Funding Societies 24

      Elke Krekels
      Gino IJisberg
      Ton Van der Meer
      Jacques van den Bosch
      Marc Sierink
      + e outro