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  • Peruvian cheesemaker Demetrio turned his passion into reality. With a microcredit from Fondesurco, he bought the necessary equipment to become the proud owner of a thriving cheese business. Your investment helps 100 entrepreneurs like Demetrio flourish. *EUR/USD exchange rate risk*

    12 месеци
    6 месеци
    Зрялост12 месеци
    Погасявания6 месеци
      Напълно финансиран в 12 дни на 18 Юли 2023.


      Once just a worker at a cheese plant, Demetrio dreamed of being able to provide more for his two daughters and himself. He saw an opportunity by starting his own cheese business. With Fondesurco's microcredit, he seized the opportunity to buy essential equipment, like straw moulds and a cheese press. Today, Demetrio independently transforms nearly 1,000 litres of milk into almost 120 braided cheeses for the Arequipa market. His successful business shows how a microloan of our newest local partner Fondesurco can help turn dreams and determination into reality.

      Fondesurco supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), particularly in rural and semi-urban southern regions in Peru. Their strategy is multifaceted. They provide accessible loans to businesses that often don't qualify for traditional bank loans, creating financial inclusion in underserved communities. Fondesurco also offers financial literacy and business management training to empower SME owners with the knowledge to grow their enterprises sustainably. Fondesurco is known for supporting agriculture and green finance. Green finance focuses on investments that promote sustainable practices that benefit the economy and the environment. Fondesurco's work enables SMEs to participate and thrive in the formal economy.

      What social return could your investment generate? 

      By providing a loan of 250,000 euros, Fondesurco can support approximately 100 agriculture, livestock, tourism, and commerce entrepreneurs in Peru, particularly those residing in rural areas. This financial support will empower entrepreneurs to enhance their businesses, improve the quality of life for their families, and nurture further development of the communities. 

      Besides offering loans, Fondesurco commits to making a difference in the lives of individuals and communities with a diverse range of non-financial projects. These initiatives tackle critical subjects like climate change and women's empowerment while addressing key cooperative development and collaboration elements.


      What financial return could your investment generate? 

      • Annual interest rate of 6.25%
      • The maturity of the loan is 12 months
      • There will be a repayment of your investment every 6 months.
      • With an investment of 1,000 euros, your expected total repayment would be 1,047 euros.
      • Please consider that you are investing in USD, so there is a risk of exchange rate fluctuations between dollars and euros. For more information on potential exchange rate risks, please visit our currency page.


      The story of Fondesurco

      Fondesurco specializes in rural microfinance. The MFI was established in 1994 with support from local Non-Governmental Organizations Ceder and Desco. It aims to provide financial services to underserved individuals who are excluded from the formal financial system. As a Savings and Credit Cooperative, Fondesurco offers a range of services such as savings, transfers, insurance, and payment facilities. With over 40,000 members and 29 branches in Peru's Arequipa, Lima, Moquegua, Ayacucho, Puno, and Huancavelica regions, they strive to drive progress in rural and urban areas through responsible and accessible financial solutions. 


      Fondesurco in numbers

      • Founded in 1994
      • 40,000 clients in rural areas
      • 29 agencies in 6 cities
      Име на компаниятаFONDESURCO
      Изп. директорCarlos Alberto Marquez Moscoso
      СекторФинансови услуги
      Кредитен рейтингB


      Малките и средните предприятия (МСП) съставляват значителна част от перуанската икономика. МСП допринасят за създаването на работни места, иновациите и цялостния икономически растеж в страната. Въпреки това, много МСП-предприемачи в Перу се сблъскват с предизвикателства при достъпа до банково финансиране и редовни заеми, което възпрепятства способността им да се разрастват и да достигнат пълния си потенциал.

      Fondesurco, микрофинансираща институция (МФИ) в Перу, е част от потенциалното решение. Тя е специализирана в предоставянето на микрокредити, съобразени с уникалните нужди на МСП, особено на тези, които работят в селски и необслужвани райони. Като предлага достъпни възможности за финансиране и опростени изисквания, Fondesurco дава възможност на МСП да инвестират в бизнеса си, да закупуват оборудване и да разширяват дейността си.

      Чрез финансовата си подкрепа и допълнителните си услуги Fondesurco цели да преодолее недостига на финансиране и да насърчи финансовото приобщаване на МСП. Те също така предоставят програми за финансова грамотност и обучение по управление на бизнеса, като предоставят на собствениците на МСП необходимите знания и умения за устойчив растеж. Това ще стимулира предприемачеството, създаването на работни места и икономическото развитие в Перу. Усилията им допринасят за процъфтяваща екосистема, в която МСП могат да се развиват, създавайки положителен вълнообразен ефект в цялата икономика.

      ЦУР засегнати

      С този проект вие допринасяте за постигането на следните цели за устойчиво развитие:

      • ЦУР 1 - Без бедност
      • ЦУР 8 - Достоен труд и икономически растеж

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      • С тази инвестиция се създават 20 работни места
      • С тази инвестиция се подобрява животът на 100

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