funding gap emerging markets

Monarj Footwear

  • NPFC
  • In Mikrofinanzierungen investieren
  • + 1 andere Investoren
  • With a loan of EUR 2,400 Mary Joyce can boost the sales of her shoe company and hire one additional employee.

    18 Monate
    6 Monate
    Reifegrad18 Monate
    Rückzahlungen6 Monate
      Vollständig finanziert in 3 Tagen auf 26 September 2014.

      Das Projekt

      Mary Joyce Montalbo is a thirty-three (33) year old mother a child and the sole proprietor of Monarj Footwear. Joyce had worked as a Customer Service Representative for a year after graduating from Hotel and Restaurant Management course. She got into the footwear business when she married Mark Ryan, who was already into the manufacturing of footwear. Monarj Footwear started in 2006 by manufacturing and supplying slippers to different stores and outlets around Liliw, Laguna and eventually ventured into making shoes. Experiencing low purchase orders after a year of production, Joyce never give up, went to market the footwear to malls until she had gathered purchase orders from the malls she went into. In 2012, Monarj Footwear obtained their own outlet for their own footwear production. Currently, Monarj Footwear is employing six (6) workers where half are females. Her husband still manages productions. Joyce hopes to gain more purchase orders and outlets for their expansion. Lendahand partner's NPFC is supporting Monarj footwear in acquiring additional working capital to boost the production and support for the incoming orders.

      Name des UnternehmensNPFC
      CEOMary Joyce Montalbo
      StandortLiliw Laguna
      SektorFertigung / Produktion


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      • Mit dieser Investition wird 1 Arbeitsplatz geschaffen
      • Mit dieser Investition 4 wird das Leben der Menschen verbessert.

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