funding gap emerging markets

Salym Finance 4

  • Salym
  • Uložite u mikrofinanciranje
  • + 477 drugih investitora
  • With a loan of EUR 200,000 new local partner Salym from Kyrgyzia will be able to provide loans to 110 entrepreneurs and farmers. **please note: this project contains an exchange rate risk EUR/USD)**

    24 mjeseci
    6 mjeseci
    Dospiće24 mjeseci
    Otplata6 mjeseci
      Potpuno financirano u 55 danana 27 September 2022.
      Odaberite iznos
      Uložite od $10
      Prosječno ulaganje
      Na temelju svih povijesnih ulaganja Lendahanda
      Potpuno financiranje
      Projekt će biti u potpunosti financiran


      This project contains a grace period of 12 months, meaning that both notional and interest repayments will start after 1 year.

      Company information

      Microfinance Company "Salym Finance" is a specialized credit institution, the main activity of which is microfinance and accepting deposits. To date, Salym Finance has a stable position in the market and is one of the active and dynamically developing microfinance organizations of the Kyrgyz Republic, showing a steady annual growth in financial performance.

      Microfinance Company "Salym Finance" began its activity in 2007. The first loans were used to develop business in the Dordoi and Ortosai markets and to develop households in the villages of the Sokuluk region. Progressing year by year, Salym Finance Company is currently a large microfinance organization with domestic capital, serving more than 18,000 active clients, a branch network of 28 branches in all regions: Bishkek, Chui, Issyk-Kul, Osh, Jalal-Abad, Naryn, Batken and Talas.

      During its work in the microfinance market of Kyrgyzstan, MFC "Salym Finance" has positioned itself as a successful, reliable company, and has established long-term partnerships with the involvement of investors and using natural and financial institutions.


      Loan purpose

      With a loan of EUR 200,000 new local partner Salym from Kyrgyzia will be able to provide loans to 110 entrepreneurs and farmers. The avarage loan size amounts EUR 1750.


      Market and clients

      The microfinance industry in the Kyrgyz Republic has shown a positive growth trend over the past 5 years, which indicates the presence of a consistently high demand for credit services of microfinance organizations. Especially growing needs of the population in the services of the microfinance sector, as well as a sharp increase in the conditions for lending to MFC Salym Finance, reflected in the annual growth in the number of active clients, can be predicted by an increase in the level of services provided.

      Most of the clients serve about 70% of the population living in the regions, in accordance with this factor, the main directions for loans are determined: housing loans (improvement of the welfare of housing) - 37% and agricultural loans - 25%, as well as loans are allocated for all areas: for the purchase housing, business development and consumer purposes. The average period of use of credit funds by clients is 27 months. Clients of OJSC MFC Salym Finance receive credit funds without down payments (for the entire product), and also have the opportunity to repay the loan debt ahead of schedule without penalties and additional interest


      Naziv tvrtkeSalym
      Izvršni direktorMirlan Kulov
      Kreditni rejtingB+


      Salym is a microfinance institution in Kyrgyzstan that is dedicated to creating the necessary financial conditions to improve the living standards of the Kyrgyz population. Access to finance is an effective tool against poverty. It increases entrepreneurial activity, resulting in job creation, a decrease in emigration, and improved living conditions.

      The MFI primarily serves entrepreneurs and people in rural areas, where 65% of their clients live. Salym offers business and agri-loans to entrepreneurs who have limited access to banking services, housing and consumer loans to people with limited income, and mortgages in areas where banks aren't active due to inaccessibility. 

      SDGs impacted

      With this project you are contributing to the following Sustainable Development Goals:

      SDG 1 - No poverty

      SDG 8 - Decent work and economic growth

      Read more about the impact you can make through our platform and the SDGs on our impact page.


      Related blog posts

      • Read the introduction of Salym as a new investment opportunity here
      • Learn more about Kyrgyzstan as an emerging market here
      • Want to learn more about how financial inclusion can thrive entrepreneurship? Read here.
      • Wondering which other microfinance institutions we have in our portfolio? Check them out here.
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      Žao nam je! Morate biti prijavljeni da biste vidjeli ovu stranicu.

      Žao nam je! Morate biti prijavljeni da biste vidjeli ovu stranicu.

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