funding gap emerging markets


  • Vodiy
  • Investire nella microfinanza
  • + 645 altri investitori
  • Carpenter Numanov purchases wood for his workshop thanks to his microloan from new local partner Vodiy. This enables him to create the necessary doors and window frames for his customers. Investments in Vodiy transform into job creation and economic growth in Uzbekistan. Because of this loan, around 60 entrepreneurs like Numanov will have access to working capital. *exchange rate risk EUR/USD

    24 mesi
    6 mesi
    Maturità24 mesi
    Rimborsi6 mesi
      Completamente finanziato in 36 giorni su 26 Settembre 2023.

      Il progetto

      Carpenter Numanov makes wooden doors and window frames. Since 2020, he has been receiving loan services from Vodiy to buy raw materials for his workshop: “The microloan opens up more growth opportunities for me.” As a micro-entrepreneur in Uzbekistan it is challenging to get access to financing. Many entrepreneurs work in the informal economy and as a result, can’t present official documents of their businesses to apply for a loan from a traditional bank. 

      Microfinance institution Vodiy recognizes that the entrepreneurial spirit among the population is a crucial factor in driving additional income and improving the general well-being of the people. By providing finance to these underserved borrowers, Vodiy empowers them to expand their businesses and achieve financial stability.

      With their projects on Lendahand, Vodiy will be able to provide many more small entrepreneurs with a loan. A loan from Lendahand investors will fuel the growth of its loan portfolio and expand its reach. The funds will be used to finance new branches and extend microloans to 14,543 borrowers from the microfinance sector. By focusing on this target niche, Vodiy aims to make a significant social impact, particularly benefiting micro-business clients such as women entrepreneurs, individual entrepreneurs, and craftsmen who have no other sources of finance.

      For women it is even more difficult to get a loan. This is why Vodiy is committed to empowering female entrepreneurs and bridging the gender gap in access to financing.

      The company operates five branches across different regions of Uzbekistan and currently employs a dedicated staff of 106 people. 


      What revenue does your investment generate?

      • The annual interest rate is 6%
      • The maturity of the loan is 24 months
      • This project has a 6-month grace period for the principal. This means that you will start receiving the repayment of the principal of your loan in month 12. However, you will start generating interest on the outstanding amount of your investment from the first month on, which you will receive every 6 months.
      • Please note that in this case, you are investing in dollars (USD), so there is a risk of fluctuation in the dollar to euro exchange rate. For more information about possible exchange rate risks, visit our currency page


      Example for an investment of 1,000 euros:

      • Since there is a 6-month grace period, a total of 60 euros in interest will be generated in the first year (6% of 1,000).
      • In the first installment (month 6), you will receive 30 € in interest and 0 € of the principal. In total, you will receive 30 €.
      • In the second installment (month 12), you will receive another 30 € in interest plus the corresponding portion of the principal, in this case, 333.33 €. In total, you will receive 363.33 €.
      • In the third installment (month 18), you will receive 333.33 € of principal plus the generated interest (on the outstanding principal), which is 20 €. In total, you will receive 353.33 €.
      • In the last installment (month 24), you will receive the remaining portion of your principal (333.33 €) plus the final interest (on the outstanding principal), which is 10 €. In total, you will receive 343.33 €.

      Total amount you could receive at the end of the term: 1,090 €*

      *This amount may vary depending on the EUR/USD exchange rate at the time of disbursement.



      Vodiy’s mission is to support entrepreneurial initiatives and business activities with access to financing for MSMEs. 


      Vodiy in numbers

      • Founded in 2014
      • 5 branches across different regions of Uzbekistan
      • 106 employees
      • Over 60,829 loans issued
      • 12,180 borrowers benefited
      • 2,702 women borrowers
      Nome della societàVodiy
      AMMINISTRATORE DELEGATOlsmailov Kodirjon
      PosizioneBuvayda District, Fergana Region
      SettoreServizi finanziari
      I dipendenti106
      Punteggio di creditoB+


      Vodiy è un'istituzione di microfinanza dell'Uzbekistan che si concentra sul raggiungimento di un significativo impatto sociale. I suoi principali beneficiari sono i clienti delle microimprese, tra cui donne imprenditrici, imprenditori individuali e artigiani che non dispongono di fonti di finanziamento alternative. Il loro obiettivo primario è colmare il divario e fornire un sostegno finanziario fondamentale alle micro, piccole e medie imprese (MSME) che hanno un accesso limitato ai servizi bancari tradizionali.

      L'accesso ai finanziamenti svolge un ruolo fondamentale nella lotta alla povertà. A beneficiarne non è solo l'imprenditore che riceve il prestito, ma anche tutti coloro che sono coinvolti nella sua attività, che sperimentano gli effetti positivi del sostegno finanziario. Con la crescita delle imprese, l'attività imprenditoriale fiorisce e si creano nuove opportunità di lavoro. Questo, a sua volta, riduce i tassi di emigrazione e consente agli individui di migliorare le proprie condizioni di vita.

      ODS impattato

      Con questo progetto contribuite al raggiungimento dei seguenti Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile:

      ODS 1 - Assenza di povertà

      ODS 8 - Lavoro dignitoso e crescita economica

      Per saperne di più sull'impatto che potete avere attraverso la nostra piattaforma e il sito ODS, visitate la nostra pagina sull'impatto.

      • Con questo investimento vengono creati 10 posti di lavoro
      • Con questo investimento si migliorano le vite di 400

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      Abbiamo già contribuito a Vodiy

      Ron van Eijk
      Bas Pieters
      Lieven Keppens
      Holger Klauser
      Sebastian Schroer
      + e un altro