funding gap emerging markets

Funding Societies 29

  • Funding Societies
  • Vlagajte v mikrofinanciranje
  • + 440 drugi vlagatelji
  • Now that Atiqah has taken over her mother's bakery, she is focusing on growth with the help of Funding Societies. She invested in new, modern ovens, allowing her to produce more cookies. As a result, the bakery provides employment for four permanent employees and several part-timers.

    18 mesecev
    6 mesecev
    Zrelost18 mesecev
    Odplačila6 mesecev
      V celoti financirano v 14 dneh na spletni strani 6 junij 2024.


      Have you ordered the cake for the next birthday yet? In Malaysia, baker Atiqah would gladly prepare your order. Together with her four employees and some part-time helping hands, she bakes cookies and other treats in her bakery Eliqa.

      When Atiqah took over the business from her mother in 2020, she saw opportunities for growth and dared to look further. Determined to expand the bakery, she sought financial assistance from Funding Societies. Thanks to a loan she could easily apply for online, Atiqah invested in new ovens, ingredients, and packaging materials, enabling her to produce more year-round. With the growth, the range of cookies and other products has expanded, and she has been able to hire four permanent and several part-time employees.

      Your support to Funding Societies gives 15 local entrepreneurs in Malaysia the opportunity to improve their quality of life.

      Take a look inside Atiqah's growing bakery:


      What social return could your investment generate? 

      In Malaysia, small and medium-sized enterprises are central to the economy, accounting for more than 65% of employment. Your investment in Funding Societies makes a difference for 15 entrepreneurs in Malaysia. Supporting these businesses is crucial for both economic growth and improving living standards.

      What financial return could your investment generate? 

      • An annual interest rate of 6%
      • The maturity of the loan is 18 months
      • Your investment will be repaid in equal instalments, along with interest, every six months.
      • With an investment of 1,000 euros, your expected return would be 1,060 euros.
      • Currency: EUR


      The story of Funding Societies

      Funding Societies plays an important role in making financial services available to small and medium-sized businesses that are often overlooked in Southeast Asia. This specific project is focused on financing in Malaysia, but Funding Societies is also active in Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Singapore.

      The goal of Funding Societies is to bridge the $320 billion financing gap in Southeast Asia, thereby promoting economic growth and prosperity in the region. Funding Societies believes that stronger SMEs contribute to stronger societies. In line with this belief, Funding Societies has actively provided more than 3 million loans to small and medium-sized businesses over the past years, amounting to a total of more than 815 million euros.

      Investing in Funding Societies means not only supporting a financial platform but also directly contributing to strengthening economic and social opportunities in Southeast Asia.



      Funding Societies in numbers

      • Founded in 2015 with headquarter in Singapore
      • 600+ employees
      • Financed > €3 billion in loans
      • Disbursed > 80,000 SME loans
      • Active in 5 markets across Southeast Asia: Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore
      Ime podjetjaFunding Societies
      SektorFinančne storitve
      Kreditna ocenaB+


      MSP predstavljajo približno 60 % BDP jugovzhodne Azije in zagotavljajo večino delovnih mest, vendar se soočajo s finančno vrzeljo v višini 320 milijard dolarjev. Funding Societies je v zadnjih petih letih z več kot 3 milijoni poslovnih posojil financiral več kot 815 milijonov evrov. Osredotoča se na kratkoročna posojila, običajno krajša od 12 mesecev, ki so prilagojena potrebam MSP.

      Učinek njihovih posojil je velik. Približno 76 % MSP uporablja njihova posojila za obratni kapital. Mnogi priznavajo, da je bilo to financiranje nujno potrebno za ohranitev poslovanja in delovne sile. Poleg tega spletna stran Funding Societies s podporo podjetnicam, ki predstavljajo 24 % posojilojemalk, spodbuja gospodarsko krepitev žensk.

      Vlaganje v Funding Societies na Lendahand spodbuja finančno vključenost in socialno mobilnost v jugovzhodni Aziji, natančneje v Indoneziji in Vietnamu. S spletno stranjo Funding Societies lahko prispevate k regionalnemu razvoju in resnično spremenite življenja ljudi.

      OZR vplivali na

      S tem projektom prispevate k uresničevanju naslednjih ciljev trajnostnega razvoja:

      OZR 1 - Brez revščine

      OZR 8 - dostojno delo in gospodarska rast

      Več o vplivu, ki ga lahko dosežete z našo platformo in spletno stranjo OZR, si preberite na naši strani o vplivu.

      Sorodne objave na blogu

      Preberite predstavitev Funding Societies kot naložbene priložnosti tukaj.

      Želite izvedeti več o Funding Societies? Preberite naš intervju z izvršnim direktorjem Kelvinom Teo, ki smo ga poslali po elektronski pošti, tukaj.

      Vas zanima, kakšen vpliv skupaj ustvarjata Funding Societies in Lendahand? Oglejte si naš intervju z operativnim direktorjem Funding Societies' in upravljavcem vpliva Vikasom tukaj.

      • S to naložbo je bilo ustvarjenih 12 delovnih mest.
      • S to naložbo se izboljšajo življenja 84

      Žal mi je! Za ogled te strani morate biti prijavljeni.

      Žal mi je! Za ogled te strani morate biti prijavljeni.

      Žal mi je! Za ogled te strani morate biti prijavljeni.

      Žal mi je! Za ogled te strani morate biti prijavljeni.

      Žal mi je! Za ogled te strani morate biti prijavljeni.

      Prispevali smo že k Funding Societies 29

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